Recent content by trt reznor

  1. T

    Please review my recent blood work

    I’ll be cutting down to 120mg/wk instead of 140mg/wk. I’m getting some .125mg anastrozole compounded, as I always over aromatize even at low doses and even before TRT. My doctor wants to put me on cholesterol meds. I’m not sure which yet.
  2. T

    Please review my recent blood work

    Thanks I appreciate it
  3. T

    Please review my recent blood work

    Protocol- 140mg a week split into EOD doses. Lately .25mg Anastrozole every 4 or 5 days. I understand my lipid profile looks bad, I need to cut back on drinking and probably reduce my weekly amount of test. I also need to get back into the gym (got thrown off my routine during Covid). Anyway...
  4. T

    Loss of libido 2 years into TRT

    Yes I put some weight on but have been dropping it rapidly since stopping drinking. Thanks for the reply. Quality sleep and exercise are lacking for sure. I still have some areas to tighten up.
  5. T

    Loss of libido 2 years into TRT

    I’ve been on 140mg EOD shots for awhile now. Switched off HCG about 6 months ago, lost water weight, felt better, libido still good. About two months ago my libido mostly went bye bye. I stopped drinking about two weeks ago and went through some mild withdrawals, though I’m feeling much better...
  6. T


    Nice, what’s your dosing and frequency?
  7. T


    Aside from Cataceous’s experimentations, has anyone had positive experiences with gonadorelin in place of HCG? Testicular size, ejaculate volume, sperm quality? Aromatization issues? Just looking for more detailed feedback as I haven’t found much.
  8. T

    Gonadorelin + Testosterone for fertility

    Aside from Cataceous’s experimentations, has anyone had positive experiences with gonadorelin in place of HCG? Testicular size, ejaculate volume, sperm quality? Aromatization issues? Just looking for more detailed feedback as I haven’t found much.
  9. T

    At wits end with ED problems

    My thoughts are that you can always get back on the AI and HCG if you don’t like the results. I thought my balls would shrink a lot more than they have with only 200iu a week but I’ve been happy with where I’m at. I think if fertility isn’t an issue, all men should start their TRT programs with...
  10. T

    At wits end with ED problems

    Many guys do better without HCG. I do best with the absolute smallest dose I can get away with (200iu once a week, Sunday) If fertility isn’t a huge concern for you, I would recommend giving it a try. Stop the AI when you stop that and things might really turn around for you, especially now that...
  11. T

    Where can I find Pregnyl?

    Everyone is out of Pregnyl it seems.
  12. T

    Where can I find Pregnyl?

    I’m not having any luck with any of the pharmacies in New Orleans. I was told on June 8th to wait until the 22nd, now they’re saying try July 3rd. Other pharmacies are also saying their suppliers are out. I wanted to try Pregnyl before I give up on HCG altogether. I just do much better without...
  13. T

    Arimidex/Anastrozole intolerant. Would Aromasin work?

    Sorry for such a late reply, I never saw your post. But yes estrogen rebound is absolutely what gets me with arimidex, even the tiniest amount. Whats the cause of that?
  14. T

    Can’t get Tailor Made enclomiphene in La...

    I was told by my doc that Tailor Made isn’t certified to do business in Louisiana. What are my options for getting enclomiphene here, if any? I’m trying a restart for fertility purposes.