Recent content by torrential

  1. T

    DHEA Supplementation

    This DHEA formulation appears to be a pill to be swallowed. DHEA is usually taken sublingually. Did your health care provider recommend it? If not, you may want to consider switching to a sublingual. Others may have different experiences but 25mg taken sublingually should work better than 37.5...
  2. T

    Future FDA restrictions on trt use?

    Nelson, my senator’s office responded to my email: Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding compounded bioidentical hormone therapy. We always appreciate hearing from Coloradans, as it helps us better represent our great state in the United States Senate. The Food and Drug...
  3. T

    Hooked on Oxandrolone?

    Good thread thanks OP for sharing and everyone else for the constructive contributions. One simple suggestion: If your doctor continues to prescribe ox and you choose to use it, consider splitting the dose. Half in the morning half in the evening. Sometimes the bolus dose can cause undesirable...
  4. T

    Is there any reason HCG could be making someone feel bad besides E2?

    Let me stop you right there, partner. With all the noise out there, it's not so easy to distinguish opinion from fact. Here are a couple of facts that sometimes get lost: - There is no evidence of Leydig cell desensitization in human males from HCG use. None. Nada. Nothing. There was a...
  5. T

    27G Needle Shredded Molecules?

    Wolfblood, Just for fun, go back to that pharmacy, find the tech who started this and express interest in this "shredding molecules" problem. Then ask to see the pharmacist. If they, too, espouse the same, show even more interest and ask for supporting research. That should do it...there...
  6. T

    Do We Really Need More Testosterone for Women?

    The author was put on hormones by an inexperienced, uninformed practitioner and had a roller coaster experience. Happens to men, too, hence ExcelMale and other sites. Although the piece comes across with a sort of prostheletizing anti- flavor, her intent seems to be to encourage a broader...
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    The Potential Role of Arginine Supplements on Erectile Dysfunction: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Thanks for posting this. L-Citrulline and L-Citrulline Malate can be a better way to boost arginine levels without the side effects of direct arginine supplementation. They note the effectiveness of Citrulline in the study: As the only physiological substance for NOS, it was logical to try...
  8. T

    TSH Labs / Hypothyroidism

    Vince Carter, this is an excellent question. Buried in my brain is a piece of info that I hardly ever see mentioned. Iodine is carried throughout the body by the Sodium Iodide Symporter, abbreviated NIS (N for Sodium/Na, I for Iodine, S for Symporter). When there is iodine available to...
  9. T

    Which dhea brand to use`?

    When I was taking DHEA, Natrol 25mg raised my levels consistently. I would use it again.
  10. T

    Aromatase inhibitors increase heart issues risk

    These studies are all of women taking theraputic doses of 1mg/day or more as part of their cancer treatment. Not directly applicable to us for a number of reasons. The recommendation for men, here, from Nelson, and elsewhere, is to find the minimum effective dose that allows you to achieve...
  11. T

    Running out of Testosterone Before Followup

    Update: This morning I received a reminder call from Defy telling me it's time to reorder T. How much easier can they make it for us?
  12. T

    Anybody else having trouble with Empower?

    Interestingly, my refills from Defy are now coming from Hallandale rather than Empower as prior. No problems and I like their packaging more.
  13. T

    Running out of Testosterone Before Followup

    I'm a Defy patient too. You shared some thoughts about what you may have expected but did you actually contact them? In my experience - When I call, the person on the phone is able to see all of my relevant information. - Anyone I speak with is able to either address my need immediately or...
  14. T

    Injecting refrigerated HCG

    Inject cold. Keep the vial cold. Don't worry about the rest.
  15. T

    Where to buy b12 injections without a script

    +1 to this. Sublingual is at least as good as injection; I've seen reports indicating it may be better. Not all brands are effective but this one is. Very inexpensive, widely avsilable. Put it under the very back of your tongue or inside your upper lip and keep it there for at least 45 minutes.