Recent content by TorontoTRT

  1. T

    Is splitting the dose really necessary?

    That variance in numbers is actually nothing. Those results should be interpreted as the same.
  2. T

    High hematocrit regardless of dose or frequency. Time to stop?

    Nothing to resolve. In some of us hct will just be elevated as the new normal.
  3. T

    AI's and joint pain

    See how people only talk about E2 but never total T in relation to it? Yes, your E2 at 40 is low. Low in comparison to your total T. Which means your hormones are not in proper ratio. Stop the AI and see where your body settles. As I mentioned before I run my e2 in the range of 75-100. Why...
  4. T

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    For anti aging, and a ton of other benefits. And it works. The NAC-Melatonin-Vitamin C combo is the best thing to take on an empty stomach before bed. (Melatonin is not for sleep in my case as it does nothing to make me fall asleep)
  5. T

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    I would never touch AIs or HCG. I experienced low estrogen, never again. I take lots of supplements Vitamin d3 - 13,000 IU a day Vit k2 - 200 mcg Astathaxin - 12 mg Magnesium - 800 mg a day Dim - 400 mg CDG - 3000 mg Omegas - 4000 mg Melatonin - 50 mg NAC - 1-2000 mg Vitamin C - 1000 mg...
  6. T

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    185 mg split every other day.
  7. T

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    You need to give your body time to adjust. I’ve had estrogen even as high as 75-100. As long as your testosterone is higher there are no issues. The higher the estrogen, the higher the libido for me. Forget about lab ranges. They are not for guys on trt.
  8. T

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    One thing for sure dim in combination with cdg does is eliminate oily skin. I tend to get very oily especially forehead. But now it’s dry and normal.
  9. T

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Mtor signaling. High protein diets shorten life span. DIM has a role in neutralizing protein effect on mtor. There’s a few studies online to google. They explain it better.
  10. T

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Your body odour is due to testosterone not estrogen. Leave estrogen alone. But still take dim. Won’t affect your estrogen in blood work, but it keeps the prostate healthy and it does work on some bad estrogens. Also people who have a very high protein diet should take dim.
  11. T

    DIM - Anti-androgen Clarification

    Me. I like them as part of my overall liver detox and anti aging stacks.
  12. T

    DIM - Anti-androgen Clarification

    Hard to say. I know blood tests are not impacted by it. Testosterone and estrogen numbers are the same with or without these 2. Hopefully it’s doing good things in the background. No negative effect on muscle growth or strength (inhibiting).
  13. T

    DIM - Anti-androgen Clarification

    Yeah me. 3000 mg cdg, 200-400 mg DIM.
  14. T

    Hematocrit and TRT. How to have balance.

    HCT will be the least of your worries with this ill advised protocol. You’ll be hypogonadal in a few weeks. Red blood cells have a life span of 4 months. You need to understand, once on trt your body sets new normals. Hct will be higher but your body compensates for this, because testosterone...