Recent content by TestOneTwo

  1. T

    Nandrolone in California

    Oh good Lord. Now I feel awful. I guess that means mission aborted. Looks like this is the end of my Nandrolone prescriptions. Back to test only. Thanks for the info! Might have saved me and even more so someone else from getting into trouble.
  2. T

    Nandrolone in California

    I do and I had run into a problem. At some point Defy had prescribed me Nandrolone for some joint issues which really helped. About a year or two later CA decided to longer allow Nandrolone to be sent into CA by vendors. The workaround was having it sent to a friend in a state Defy could send...
  3. T

    Lab Work - Can't Get Better It Seems - UPDATE

    Sorry I might have missed it but why are you taking HCG again?
  4. T

    Lab Work - Can't Get Better It Seems - UPDATE

    Agreed. Man if I could afford it I’d have labs done monthly or every time I experience any weird symptoms haha! I had just tweaked my own protocol and are now in the infamous second week of readjustment. The first is usually still fine if not downright good. Second one sucks. Third also and from...
  5. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    I totally agree. The trouble is that my consultant is giving me a hard time about my apparently sky high e2 and HCT. The latter I’d admittedly like to see around <52 myself but that would be doable with donations. Obviously I would now run short of T cyp before the refill date if I kept my dose...
  6. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    Wow what a super simple yet very accurate formula! In this case it’s my consultant who is alarmed about the value. I’d be absolutely fine with it. But then again who knows, maybe a slight drop in E2 makes me feel even better? Worth a try I guess.
  7. T

    Lab Work - Can't Get Better It Seems - UPDATE

    I can only add that the limbo period after a protocol change shouldn’t be underestimated in terms of severity as well as duration. I only START feeling a faint breeze of stability after 6 weeks. It takes me a full 3 months+ to fully determine the outcome of a protocol change. That’s also why I...
  8. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    You sir are a scholar and a gentleman. Thanks!
  9. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    The recommended dosages I can find seem to vary wildly. At the highest end and with my BW of 105kg I’d be looking at over 10g/day. That’s seems to be an awful lot. However, on the lower end it’s just 1g/day or less - similar to the amount of GSE I’m taking that has no effect. Are you saying I’m...
  10. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    I’ve heard about Naringin in combination with grapefruit seed extract. I will give it a shot on its own. Thanks for the tip! Regarding dehydration I wished that’s what it is. Unfortunately, I have been drinking a lot of water lately - if it’s dehydration I wouldn’t even know what else to do...
  11. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    Yeah that would be a fair addition I suppose. Wait, does it work for you?
  12. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    Oh and for future fellow members searching this forum for info on how to reduce HCT - I can attest that grapefruit seed extract does NOTHING. I had taken 500mg for over 4 months only to see my HCT increasing. I will now start taking Bromlein more regularly as well as Ashwagandha which seems to...
  13. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    Thanks for your comments. My hemoglobin levels were as follows: Baseline: 14.8 3 months: 14.8 Now: 16.9
  14. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    Thanks for your input! The SHBG likely went up because I had lost a around 25 lbs of fat. I utilized the more controllable nature of the COVID lockdown situation and increased my workout load and went on a calorie deficit. That’s also why my lipids actually got better, especially triglycerides...
  15. T

    Apparently E2 is way out but I'm feeling good

    Gents, Here my journey so far. Baseline BP 120/72 TT 275 (264-916) FT 12.5 (6.8-21.5) E2, SENSITIVE 10.6 (8-35) SHBG 25.7 (16.5-55.9) HCT 45.1 (37.5-51) TRIGLYCERIDES 117 (0-149) HDL 35 (39- ?) LDL 116 (0-99) All the common low T symptoms I don't want to bore you with. 3 months in, T cyp...