Recent content by tengounapregunta

  1. T

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    Hey bro! I made the same mistake on the same drug. Been struggling 7 years. I’m currently on TRT and E2 treatment and it’s definitely helped me, but hasn’t 100% cured me. I’m going to try to increase estrogen dose slowly but sure. Currently at 0.75mg E2 cypionate twice per week. 1mg gave me...
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    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Yo coconutz! I'm suffering from the same thing after crashing my E2 like 6 years ago. I'm interested in supplementing with E2. I'm currently not on TRT, I just came off of it. I didn't get much benefit out of it, in fact it made me worse with respect to debilitating fatigue. Maybe I needed E2...
  3. T

    High iron, high % saturation, low ish ferritin. Feel shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing. Is it the iron overload?

    What’s up @glob , I’m going to get it looked at! I’ve had TSH around 2.58 before. Kinda high.
  4. T

    High iron, high % saturation, low ish ferritin. Feel shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing. Is it the iron overload?

    Thanks @Systemlord , So even though my iron is high af, you’d recommend I supplement iron? I don’t eat much red meat tbh. Maybe 3 times per month at most. I eat a lot of chicken. Don’t take many supps.
  5. T

    High iron, high % saturation, low ish ferritin. Feel shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing. Is it the iron overload?

    Hi @sammmy , I don’t have either of those symptoms. Occasionally headache. It doesn’t really feel like a virus. Feels like… just garbage feeling lol.
  6. T

    High iron, high % saturation, low ish ferritin. Feel shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing. Is it the iron overload?

    Hi @Systemlord ! Thanks for your kind reply. I find it soothing to know someone else has gone through the same thing despite opposite levels of iron. I’m going to ensure with my provider that I can supplement iron despite high iron levels before I begin. But perhaps my low ferritin is the...
  7. T

    High iron, high % saturation, low ish ferritin. Feel shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing. Is it the iron overload?

    please see labs below. I feel fatigued and honestly kinda shitty. I’m a Defy patient and waiting to get scheduled with them. Is high iron likely to cause these symptoms? I was feeling well before this with high energy, banging libido, and productive energy. Over the last month, I’ve been...
  8. T

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    That joint ache and fatigue I felt yesterday? It got worse and then progressed to sore throat. Turns out it’s covid.
  9. T

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    I’ll add to this thread. If you look at my original post from 2017, I foolishly took arimistane, an OTC AI without ever taking TRT, steroids, etc. It caused an E2 crash with chronic symptoms such as fatigue, low libido, etc. Three weeks ago, I started test cream with Defy. Here were my numbers...
  10. T

    Low E2 for 6 months.

    Hey everyone! I have a huge update. I took Clomid at 8 mg EOD for about two weeks. I could feel my strength going up and erection quality too. But something was still... off. That's when I began to dig deeep into the drug I took. The drug I took goes by "arimistane." It's an OTC AI. I found...
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    Low E2 for 6 months.

    Update: I took 12.5 mg yesterday morning. Didn't feel anything until I was going to bed. I was casually playing with my junk and it started getting hard. One minute later, I was rock. hard. With full girth and everything. I haven't been this hard in over 6 months, even with cialis or viagra!!! I...
  12. T

    Low E2 for 6 months.

    Endo recommended Clomid. He wanted me to use 25 mg daily and that's way too much, in my opinion. That dosage comes with side effects and tapering would take too long. I tried DHEA, and even in minuscule doses, it made me feel like I injected shark adrenaline into my jugular. I was wired like...
  13. T

    Low E2 for 6 months.

    It's not somatic. Urinating all day isnt somatic. Waking up to half a morning wood is not somatic. Not feeling the need to masturbate for a month is not somatic. Don't some people need their E2 higher; like around 25 to function? Could that be me? I'm super lean and maybe that's why I haven't...
  14. T

    Low E2 for 6 months.

    Test Taken 8/14/17 Total T: 698 (300-1080 ng) SHBG: 45 (11-80) Free T: 116 (47-244) Estradiol: <20 (males: <45) The arimidex was just incase the Clomid brought my e2 levels sky high. Not expected to happen, but I wanted to be safe.