Recent content by teehee

  1. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    1/2 inch insulin syringe good enough to hit muscle every time? seems unlikely. there's no such thing as a 1 inch insulin syringe either . other than that, I'll try to do the daily thing @ lower doses. thanks
  2. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    New Labs show I should be feeling great, but I don't because of lowered SHBG and high E2. Total T - 1100 Free T - 49 E2- 60 SHBG - 9 (down from 14) Doing 50 mg 3x /week IM. I dropped the HCG a while ago due to concerns of high E2. My new plan is to do daily dosing of like 15-20mg x7...
  3. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    So I'm at 2 months of injection and 4+ months overall of TRT. Still not getting consistent results. There was a brief period month where I was feeling better, but it was short lived. At that time I had more energy for the gym, motivation, libido, drive etc. Currently, I'm basically back at my...
  4. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    Update - Not really feeling much better. there was a transient period of increase energy, drive, and sense of well being that lasted a week or so but its long gone. Could the lack of results be due to low shbg? Kind of coming to a loss for why else it's not working. Going to continue until my...
  5. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    Right, but why did the second injection now help and actually make symptoms worse so quickly? Aromatization or low shbg are the only thoughts I have, its just such a fast crash to call it e2 issues alone
  6. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    I have another question, if someone can please give their thoughts. Not sure if this issue is related to E2 sides or low SHBG or something else: During my first every start with TRT, the doc gave me a large dose 100-200mg (I can't remember) right in the glute. I felt fantastic fairly quickly...
  7. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    Issues on TRT continue to get worse. My penis has "shrunk". Not permanently, but my flaccid penis has a lot less blood flow than it usually does and feels colder. I'm so lost as to what I could be doing wrong and what is causing this. Freaking out
  8. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    Yes. TSH, T4, T3 all in range. Thanks for your advice. I'll consider dropping the HCG and dose. Instead of 20/day I guess it'd be like 12/day. I think my doc put on a a high daily dose because of the low SHBG. He was worried about me hyper excreting and not having enough in the system.
  9. T

    Low SHBG - Labs inside - Improvement! Protocol adjustment

    You say you improved on paper, but it looks like your symptoms aren't better. If you have any sign of metabolic syndrome, may want to try berberine or metformin to raise SHBG. It sucks to have low SHBG, even TRT doesn't help. I'm jealous of dudes who just do a weekly injection and feel great...
  10. T

    New member - 3 months of TRT and still feeling awful - LOW SHBG - Please help!

    Hello! I am a new member of the forum. I recently discovered the website after seeing an interview with Nelson. I am in my late 20s and got put on TRT due to secondary hypogonadism after a failed trial of clomid. I have been on TRT once before. Last time, the first injections were great, but...