Recent content by Tednacious73

  1. T

    Help would be appreciated - I'm clueless about thryoid

    Thanks guys, my doctor's appt is next week, I'll ask about them adding a reverse T3 to my next round of bloodwork
  2. T

    Help would be appreciated - I'm clueless about thryoid

    I've been on trt for about 9 months and been doing pretty well but I have some of the following hypothyroid symptoms: lethargy/brain fog brittle nails depression ED even though I've been taking 5mg Cialis daily and sub par libido Trouble losing that LAST 10lbs after losing 10lbs even though I...
  3. T

    After one week on Tadalafil

    For the first few weeks of 5mg a day Tadalafil I also woke up with a back ache but, like with Vince, it subsided too
  4. T

    TRT faster recovery?

    You are saying that no one experiences Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness??? Also, what is wrong with a Push, Pull, Legs workout split? I, along with many many others, find it to be a very effective way to periodize weight training and spread the volume throughout the week.
  5. T

    Kidneys and Citrulline

    I'm experiencing the same creatinine elevations after starting citrulline as part of Gene's stack, mine went from 1.32 to 1.45. My eGFR also dropped from 65 to 58. I have a consultation with Defy coming up, are these numbers a concern or should I just continue taking the citrulline?
  6. T

    TRT faster recovery?

    Only 9 sets per workout is very little. Most studies show that for hypertrophy (muscle gain), 10-20 working sets per week per MUSCLE GROUP if the most effective. Also, going to failure on every set is a bad idea, most studies show that total volume (amount of sets per week) is much more...
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    TRT almost a year now...suddenly lost all motivation to work out

    Agree with Vince here, I like to add a "deload week" every 6-8 weeks after heavy training. For that week I do the exact same workouts, same amount of sets and reps for each exercise, but with only about 60% of the weight. After a week of doing that I'm refreshed and looking forward to lifting...
  8. T

    Newbie starting TOT

    Just an FYI to the OP, my IGF increased from 159 to 272 after being on the same protocol from Defy after 3 months (minus the thyroid medication)
  9. T

    Anyone using Tailor Made Compounding for their peptides?

    +1 Looking at their website, how do you order from them???
  10. T

    TOT roundtable contradicting themselves once again

    While I'm pretty new to TRT (about 2 months in), Nelson was the first person (on an old TOT roundtable) to alert me to the dangers of AIs. Then after reading more on this forum and watching watching many more roundtables I decided to stop my AI use. I always felt that Nelson has helped lead...
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    Dr. Saya...AI's, estradiol management...

    I was prescribed the 0.125mg dosage of Anastrazole from day 1, I don't really recall if Dr Calkins said why, I believe he just said that they wanted my E2 to eventually fall into the 30-45 range (my pre TRT labs showed my E2 to be around 20)
  12. T

    Dr. Saya...AI's, estradiol management...

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Dr Saya
  13. T

    Dr. Saya...AI's, estradiol management...

    I'm also a Defy patient and am curious about Dr. Saya's opinion on AIs. I've been on TRT for about 2 months now and a couple weeks ago quit taking the prescribed 0.125mg (E3.5D) Anastrazole due to concerns stated on this forum. I wans't experiencing any negative side effects and I haven't...