Recent content by technomentor

  1. T

    My vitamin D requirements have doubled as I improved my health, lowered my A1C and lost weight, why is that the case?

    Vit D Levels in the 20's and 30's means you are deficient. Low D causes rickets. Some of your symptoms are similar to rickets. It's why foods are fortified with D, though most are processed foods and people focused on health avoid processed foods. Many functional medicine specialists recommend D...
  2. T

    Is “Enclomiphene Citrate” going to replace hCG in the USA?

    jacb, On 10-1-2021, I only tested for Total T. I added that to a blood draw I was doing for other, non-hormone related, biomarkers. Since I direct order and pay out of pocket, I did want to do the full panel.
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    Treatments for Low Libido in Men

    M.J. -- Just a note that I have read in several places that the body has a maximum amount of B12 that it can absorb at one time. I don't recall the exact value but it is well below 5000 mcg (which I have also taken in the past). Per one source I read, the number is like 1.5 mcg/4-6 hours. Here...
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    Is “Enclomiphene Citrate” going to replace hCG in the USA?

    FWIW.... Thru Defy, last summer I opted to test enclomiphene treatment vs. shots. My T has been low (250-300) for the past few years. Primary symptoms I wanted to improve: Lack of energy Muscle loss Loss of libido Lack of focus/drive Results 2021-07-08 - Initial labs, before consultation and...
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    New to site. Who is a good doctor in Houston to see for Low T

    Nelson, thanks for the referral. I had my 1st appt with Dr. Khera yesterday and got off to a great start. Have an ultrasound scheduled for next week, already started some meds to help with BPH, but waiting on the results of blood work to determine if there will be any hormone treatment.
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    New to site. Who is a good doctor in Houston to see for Low T

    Thanks Nelson. So happens he is in-network also.
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    New to site. Who is a good doctor in Houston to see for Low T

    My urologist, who put me on Clomid last year for low T has retired. Looking for a new doctor but one that also specializes in BPH, as I am starting to have issues (dribbling, frequent urination at night, low back/groin pain). Would appreciate updated recommendations - if any.
  8. T

    can cytomel by itself be used to treat hypothyroidism

    Systemlord...Fortunately I have good insurance so I'm trying to stay in network. I do however have a list of other doctors, including Defy, on my options list. My list was extracted from reviews of posts on ExcelMale, the doctors list Vergel compiled, plus other thyroid related sites. I have an...
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    can cytomel by itself be used to treat hypothyroidism

    I'm in the same situation as many of you, high RT3 that is, and in my case my thyroid antibodies are also above reference range indicating that my immune system is attacking my thyroid. I've been doing a ton of research and have found a number of useful thyroid sites as well as sites specific to...
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    New Member - Pre-Treatment Labs... Input Welcome

    Thyroid Plan Follow-up Thanks 1Draw -- the quick feedback confirms I came to the right place for input. Here's a follow-up question/thought I have about my thyroid results... Question - Is it appropriate to seek a formal treatment plan after only one test? Alternate Approach - complete...
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    New Member - Pre-Treatment Labs... Input Welcome

    Thanks madman. I do not know my ferritin level, but plan to have it checked. While researching thyroid function and high RT3, the following tests were noted: - Vitamin B12 (using MMA test) - low B12 can cause high MCV, deficiency/low values also present themselves in symptoms I have had -...
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    New Member - Pre-Treatment Labs... Input Welcome

    Pre-Treatment Lab Tests Complete Blood Count (CBC) (almost all resultswithin RR) - WBC: 4.3 K/UL (RR:3.8-10.8) - RBC: 4.2 M/UL (RR:4.2-5.8) - Hematocrit: 42.5%(RR: 38.5-51.0) - Hemoglobin: 14.1g/dL (RR: 13.0-17.5) - MCV: 101.8 fL (RR:80.0-100.0) <-- high, this one hasshown up high 2-3 times in...
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    New Member - Pre-Treatment Labs... Input Welcome

    New member looking for advice on whether TRT would help me. My post content is based on Nelson Vergel's post -- so I read up first. I'll spilt in to two separate posts due to length. Health & Quality of Life Information - 53 YO Male, 5'-11", 180 lbs - Waist size: 36" - Lost/gained weight: no -...
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    Another new member - trying to figure it all out

    Hello fellow members. I started out already trying to post my pre-treatment lab results instead of introducing myself. Now waiting for it to get approved in the Blood Test forum area. I've been searching for the cause/s of my health issues that started in April last year with a major vertigo...
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    How To Pick A Good TRT Doctor

    There is a write up on this. Do a search for "How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone HCG and Anastrozole". I'm new here too so I can't post links yet.