Since starting Test about a year ago my straight hair has started turning curly, especially at the front. As a kid I had totally straight hair and it got a little bit wavy with the years but since starting Test, it’s turned proper curly. My hair is still super thick and I have no thinning...
Dialling in your AI dosage can feel a bit like walking a tight rope, especially with Aromasin as crashing your E2 with it is more unforgiving than with Arimidex due to Aromasin's suicidal nature.
A study Pharmacokinetics and Dose Finding of a Potent Aromatase Inhibitor, Aromasin (Exemestane)...
Thanks for the detailed reply. I will get my CRP checked next time I do bloods and go from there.
So far my E2 numbers absolutely line up with how I feel. Especially going off the baseline I had before I started my injections, which had me at 20 pg/ml and I was feeling absolutely perfect.
Basically the whole steroid community in North America is adamant to use the LC/MS method to get the most accurate E2 blood work. For a lot of people outside NA it is very difficult to get access to this form of testing.
My lab for example uses the CMIA method. I spoke to the doctor at my lab...