I too became aware of Gene’s passing about a day after its occurrence. Sadly it reminds me of the passing of Dr John Crisler.
I am now just leaving Ft Lauderdale. During this visit we were supposed to get together as last year we missed each other. Sadly now the opportunity is...
bob.....not much gain in vertical leap,,,,,my knees are still 53 years old.
Vince....I wont argue with you on the growth thing....I find it suspect too....I am going to gather that with being healthier and more muscular maybe posture and overall body structure is more erect the...
Way beyond my 20's see post I'm 53. But I'm telling you I am definitely taller in last year or so. Now it may be from better posture more muscularity possibly better hydrated spine?
At at my height and size it's a small increase but it's noticable overall. Like I said wasn't a...
I've been on TRT now for 5 plus years I am definitely in better shape athletic wise, muscular, etc. All great and expected.
What i I also have noticed after a multitude of people mentioning that I am now taller than I once was. I've always been tall but I've definitely grown a good inch...
I will get your last numbers.....but they were from about 4 months ago and things then were they may have changed. Thats the reason why I said all was good nothing flagging and issue in numbers nor general health when taken.
my free T is very high ny normal T is mid-range. Ultra sensitive estradiol is in normal range I do low dose t-Cyp HCG and .25 AI EOD seems to work well
never see a “free”estradiol test
coast yes between vasectomy and TRT volume has been cut in half or more. But recently with...
Doesn't matter method. Poor on all fronts
I do T-Cyp and HCG EOD low does as I am a hyper excreted and have Low SHBG Protocol works well has for years. Just recent decline in this one area also ejaculate volume which has always been low is almost non-exsistent too
God Bless anyone who has the ability and partner who will want to have a 3-4 hour erection.
For me me at my age and similarly for my wife.....a good solid erection that will perform once maybe twice for an hour or so is more than sufficient
I dose at .20 and have a good solid hour of fun...
Hey guys.
Been absent for for a bit with life and business taking priority
been on same protocol for a few years now....results are good both lab wise and body wise
recently I have notice a decline in orgasm quality.......hard to reach it and lack luster when I do reach it. Until recently...
I find that funny. Women expect guys to be understanding of all their plumbing issues and mental hang ups The need of lube isn't considered a big deal but it could be said that it's a crutch too. That said we are supposed to perform on demand like porn stars If and when they honor us with...
I use a 28g 1/2" .36mm x 13mm with an auto injector typically 15 units works well for me. No issues gives about an hour of reaction then done
Dr Saya comment on making sure to agitate is a good thing. I've been kinda doing it just by accident never on purpose but from now on I will make...
Once. Week IM is old school. Only thing worse was the Doc's office every two weeks. The huge dose weekly gives you a boost but since it's more than your body can normally utilize good chance for conversion to estrogen. BAD
multiple times per week allows for small dosages with less conversion...
Been using trimix for 3 years now.....exactly as prescribed or less depending on circumstances. Never one issue always gr at results with no stress or worry