Recent content by StoicDoc

  1. S

    The TRT benefits are always overhyped by clinics and the TRT community

    Dave was NOT 76 in this pic. Early 60s. His last several years were plagued by chronic illness.
  2. S

    METFORMIN - no change in glucose readings

    Is anyone using or tried alpha lipoic acid to reduce BG levels?
  3. S

    Where to get nandrolone?

    Does anyone know of a compounding pharmacy, besides Empower, that sells nandrolone?
  4. S

    Magnesium Supplements? Biotest ZMA?

    Yes, but all of the commercial preparations have sodium hypochlorite (bleach) now. Best to go back to making your own, but with the powder instead… :)
  5. S

    Magnesium Supplements? Biotest ZMA?

    The best magnesium supplement is magnesium bicarbonate, which can be made easily and cheaply with magnesium hydroxide and seltzer water.
  6. S

    Fermented foods for Inflammation 2021 study

    I have been making my own "yogurt" in my InstantPot following Dr. William Davis' protocol (more or less), using different varieties of L. reuteri. I generally feel better using it daily and it has killed any desire at all for ice cream... :)
  7. S

    What supplements would cause high AST or ALT?

    Rifter: That is both very unfortunate and interesting. I suppose your doc has tested you for the more unusual causes of liver disease, both benign and not so benign? Your health has otherwise been good and there has been no signs of progression in these findings? Can you post the citations for...
  8. S

    What supplements would cause high AST or ALT?

    If transaminases remain high, can consider an US and GGT. Exercise has to be pretty intense to create a substantial increase in CK and is usually accompanied by significant muscle swelling, pain. Additionally, you could have been seeing the tail of a retained stone in your liver, something that...
  9. S

    What supplements would cause high AST or ALT?

    I’m a primary care doc, so I’ll take a crack at this… Most likely exercise and or lab error, but let’s review the findings and potential causes. Both your AST and ALT were elevated. AST is not liver specific and can certainly be elevated with muscle damage. ALT is liver specific, though. The...
  10. S

    NMR blood test thoughts?

    Apologies for the delay. There are excellent show notes, although these may be member only. #20 - Tom Dayspring, M.D., FACP, FNLA – Part I of V: an introduction to lipidology - Peter Attia #21 - Tom Dayspring, M.D., FACP, FNLA – Part II of V: Lipid metrics, lipid measurements, and cholesterol...
  11. S

    NMR blood test thoughts?

    Peter Attia did a great five part series with Tom Dayspring on all things lipids. Good place to go for more information.
  12. S

    Freezing HCG in unmixed vial

    How long does that last? Who prescribes that for you? Is there a primer on HCG on the site?
  13. S

    Freezing HCG in unmixed vial

    How much does HCG cost in the US?