Recent content by Softailrider00

  1. S

    No Prescription HCG

    I'll have to look into coinbase about getting it. I looked into getting bitcoin a while back, but I think I'm more confused now than I was. Thanks again
  2. S

    No Prescription HCG

    Thanks. They seem to have some good prices, but ordering looks to be a hassle.
  3. S

    No Prescription HCG

    Reliable is sending me a replacement and I asked for the zyhcg this time. Hopefully it'll be the real deal this time. I also have an order of zyhcg and another brand I can't remember the name of at the moment coming from medsbase. I've gotten cialis from medsbase and it's legit so hopefully...
  4. S

    No Prescription HCG

    I'm new here and tried the search function for hcg and it returned 0 results. I found this thread through Google search. I ordered sifasi hcg from reliablerx and it is bunk. It wouldn't produce a positive pregnancy test like real hcg will. Has anyone had a brand of hcg from reliablerx produce a...