Shawn M
b 1953
Wt 185 Ht 6'-0" Body fat 18% (Tanita Scale) Waist 36" Chest 44"
Current TRT Protocol: 3 clicks 100 mg/ml T Cream both forearms MWF; 250 IU HCG, numerous vitamins and supplements
Exercise: 2 cross-train visits to gym/week: (dropped due to COVID 19)
40-min cardio (treadmill/elliptical) + Bike 20 min to/from
Floor core and stretching (Mantras: strength comes from center and flows through flexibility; range of motion bests brute strength)
Weight machine resistance - upper and lower body
Doing outdoor walking and HIIT sprints instead of gym. Lost upper body mass as a result.
Bowling 1 day/week (in COVID Limbo)
Stretching, resistance bands, kettlebell swings as time and motivation permits around the house
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