Recent content by seb288

  1. S

    My optimal protocol is daily injections of Estrogen and just 24.5mg Test per week

    GPT is strange. It's wishy washy, but when I forced it to be quantitative and specific, it said: The optimal estradiol (E2) levels for male libido can vary, but quantitative data suggests that having estradiol in the right range is crucial for sexual function, including libido and erectile...
  2. S

    My optimal protocol is daily injections of Estrogen and just 24.5mg Test per week

    My exact protocol changes very frequently, as I'm still experimenting. The solution is 40mg/ml, and it varies but as of now I usually take 0.005ml into a syringe with 3 days worth of Test, and I use/re-use that syringe thrice (because my dose is so low, using a separate syringe everyday would...
  3. S

    New thoughts on AI

    The solution is 40mg/ml, and I take 0.005ml which is 0.2mg injectable - which is equivalent of 1.4mg/week. However I don't take every day (because E2 with T increases my blood pressure) so I actually take around 1mg/week. In oral terms thats very little, but injection wise, that's quite a lot...
  4. S

    New thoughts on AI

    I only take 3.5mg/D of T and also inject estradiol and I feel far better than when I was on 35mg/D.
  5. S

    Arimidex/Anastrozole intolerant. Would Aromasin work?

    Sorry for such a late reply, I never saw your post and was rarely using the site. Arimidex is not a suicidal inhibitor, Aromasin is - so you won't get the rebound with Asin. But be careful - I don't lower my estrogen anymore - I am on 24.5mg of test per week and I also take daily injections of...
  6. S

    My optimal protocol is daily injections of Estrogen and just 24.5mg Test per week

    I first started TRT with far too much for far too long 250mg of T Cyp/week. None of my symptoms (crippling fatigue, very low libido etc. improved) Browsing through the internet, I even tried Aromatase inhibitors incase high E conversion was preventing benefits, but that didn't work. When I...
  7. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    I'm not very prone to gyno in general (have been taking domperidone to improve my digestion for 2 years now, another drug that's also used to create tits in trans women but I still have no tits). I just stopped taking my domperidone. My tits did get sensitive from the E (although maybe that was...
  8. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    Yes I'm sure the nolva is real, that's why I got the brain fog, fatigue and muscle aches which I have anyway but always gets worse with low E. I only took it once day before yesterday and haven't taken it since, and am hoping to feel fine again soon. I'm finding that my body seems to enjoy...
  9. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    Took my first tamoxifen tablet 20mg yesterday and wow it's painful! Achy joints, headache and feverish feeling today. Was unable to work today. I've always been sensitive to anti Es. Won't be taking anymore and I hope this tamox wears off soon as it feels like death!
  10. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    Nope! that's like trying to do that to end a trt cycle...I'd have to drain all the blood in my body and die in the process lol. Just gotta get nolva. Haven't got any psychological symptoms yet, just a bit more sociable than usual (but that could also be due to upping T from 55mg to 75mg per...
  11. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    Update: paid someone to post me tamoxifen, should receive that in a few days. The worst thing is that my previously very mild hyperthyroid (borderline low TSH) seems to have become much worse and proper hyperthyroid (based of symptoms). Previously slept 5-6h/night, now I sleep 2h/night. That's...
  12. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    Would SERMS act on the estrogen receptors in a specific location only (eg. brain) or the receptors in breast tissue also? My fear is getting breasts. My E2 levels are already over 1000 according to my dosage.
  13. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    So far just increased libido. I took zinc and boron as they're the only anti Es to hand, so it might be due to them (increased free T combined with the extremely high E). E should start to peak over the coming days.
  14. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    I've been very foggy after dealing with a thiamine paradox reaction that won't go away (long story - I have CFS, so used thiamine to treat it). Hence this morning, instead of TRT I pinned Estradiol Valerate without realising. The dose was 20mg - which is roughly equivalent to 40 oral 2mg...
  15. S

    My daily Testosterone Propionate diary

    Please try repeating and summing each graph separately. I'll try doing the same, but not sure what program to use. I think nightly prop injections are the best protocol due to mimicry of natural diurnal variation in young men, but a graph will show if we'd need to add a slower ester to maintain...