Recent content by savefoxes

  1. S

    Injecting Testosterone lowers SHBH even after stopping TRT?

    3 days. The SHBG was at 71, but I was only a month in and I didn't do any more labs until now
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    Injecting Testosterone lowers SHBH even after stopping TRT?

    Thanks for replying! The doctor didn't test the free T and used the calculated method. I believe he said my free T was about 12-13 ng/dl, and it needs to be at least 25-30 ng/dl. Then I read on this forum that it needs to be tested with dialysis. I tried everything to lower my SHBG before...
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    Injecting Testosterone lowers SHBH even after stopping TRT?

    Looks like it lowered my SHBG and it stayed like that even a year after stopping it. So maybe it'll lower it even more
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    Injecting Testosterone lowers SHBH even after stopping TRT?

    yeah, I think I'm getting acne from that now. I have some arimidex left, should I take a small dose?
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    Injecting Testosterone lowers SHBH even after stopping TRT?

    So here's the results before starting TRT in 2022. SHBG was pretty high, and the doctor said that my free T was low and I needed TRT. I was on 200mg a week for about 6 months and didn't feel much difference, so I stopped. My total T was around 1400 and everything else was the same. I just got...
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    At what Free T level do you feel optimal?

    Normal free T is 9-15, anything above that is a full blown steroid cycle and can be dangerous
  7. S

    High shbg very low free t . Moody irritable and zero sex drive

    Are you sure you're injecting testosterone? Your total T is low, too. Needs to be at 25-30. With your SHBG, probably even more than that
  8. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    It takes several days to work and it doesn't reduce your e2, just blocks e2 receptors in your breast. Maybe it's all that estrogen kicking in? Are you sure your nolva is real?
  9. S

    Iron on TRT? - No libido

    How long did it take to get the levels to normal?
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    Advise for 40s guy

    Yeah, you're getting older. Luckily, you can reverse it with the help of trt
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    Symptoms of Low T Except Libido and Erections Still Good

    Yeah, you will likely benefit from it. Just make sure there's nothing that's affecting your t levels first, like sleep apnea
  12. S

    Daily Low Dose T cyp/prop results

    Your free T is barely above the range. I started TRT with your peak levels and have to keep my total T at 1600 to feel good with similar level of SHBG, but it's going down because of trt. I wouldn't use tru-t with your shbg level. How do you feel on this dose?
  13. S

    Accidentally took a megadose of Estradiol in place of Testosterone

    Can you just sucks it out of the injection site? With a syringe?
  14. S

    Beginner weight lifting questions?

    3-4 sets 8-12 reps 1-2 reps short of failure 3-4 times a week with progressive overload works for 99% of people. It's simple and effective. You can probably get better results training 15 times a week and doing 10 sets but most people don't want to spend 40 hours a week on the gym
  15. S

    Getting gyno with crashed e2?

    Would increasing my T level help? Should I be injecting more frequently even though my shbg is 70?