Recent content by sammmy

  1. S

    5 PROVEN Ways to Fix Low Libido Fast

    Morning wood is due to nerve activation in the genital region in the morning. It means you want to pee or take a dump, pardon my French LOL
  2. S

    On TRT over a year... feeling great but...

    That sounds strange, to gain muscle initially and then lose lots of it on the same regimen. Something doesn't check out.
  3. S

    5 PROVEN Ways to Fix Low Libido Fast

    You should use it at lower doses. You don't have Parkinson's.
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    5 PROVEN Ways to Fix Low Libido Fast

    Guarana helps a little with dopamine (enjoyment and interest in life, libido, easier to get to orgasm) and it's not due to its caffeine component because pure caffeine doesn't do that. I'm getting an Amantadine prescription soon. Pramipexole is another option that has been mentioned in the forum.
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    5 PROVEN Ways to Fix Low Libido Fast

    It's always comical on this forum when they claim that TRT solves all sexual problems. In reality, TRT resolves problems only when they were due to really low T before TRT, but many people get on TRT to "enhance" themselves, not because they actually had low T. Testosterone is a weak...
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    5 PROVEN Ways to Fix Low Libido Fast

    Here is an example that actually addresses the problem in a scientific way instead of spewing generalities: One of the components of "dysthymia" is lowered libido and Amantadine helped with that because it is acting on the dopamine system.
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    5 PROVEN Ways to Fix Low Libido Fast

    Pseudo scientific nonsense. Libido is controlled by the brain and lack of it indicates a problem in the brain, probably neurotransmitters. No wonder, libido is often restored to even hypersexuality with dopamine agonists. Everything else is secondary to dopamine. Contemporary impotent medicine...
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    Evaluating the Role of Gynecomastia Surgery in Improving Sexual Function and Hormonal Profiles

    The whole "study" sounds like an advertisement of Turkish clinics for male plastic surgery. Conflict of interest reduces the trustworthiness of such articles. Statistically significant change doesn't mean clinically significant - they suspiciously don't specify how big the change is on the...
  9. S

    Just had 1st CT Angiogram Scan done. Anyone experienced care to comment in simple layman terms?

    Do you have high blood pressure when you measure it at rest at home?
  10. S

    REALLY Struggling With Weight Loss: What Labs to Run?

    Your best bet is Semaglutide, to lessen your appetite and calories, because clearly that's where the problem is. You will not understand how your body works at 100% - contemporary medicine is not that advanced and you already checked all of its tests. If you start losing your fat, but you still...
  11. S

    HELP!! Horrible effects from letrozole months later.

    Nerve damage (muscle twitching, blurry vision, tinnitus) and/or problem with neurotransmission (not reacting to caffeine or acohol). Any signs of constant immune system activation? Stuffy nose, headaches, muscle aches, feeling feverish? Any problems with digestion and foods that exacerbate...
  12. S

    Can an older man still build muscle while taking statins?

    Your experience shows that you can't have a bad inflammatory diet and just take niacin or pills to manipulate your lab numbers and be ok. This is the traditional medicine way of thinking and it's a failure. You still needed a bypass and you still got a TIA. So how about focusing on your diet...
  13. S

    Mitochondrial Mastery: Supplements, Exercise & Longevity Insights

    The feeling of fatigue that often comes with aging may have nothing to do with "mitochondrial health" and just focusing on that is elementary pseudo science. There are gazillions of factors at play. 1. You may have a thyroid problem. 2. Your immune system may be fighting something and using up...
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    Mitochondrial Mastery: Supplements, Exercise & Longevity Insights

    Supplements proven to increase endurance: Caffeine, Guarana, Creatine, Betaine (TMG). Supplements claiming to increase muscle strength: MyoTor Chemistry Labs sell a combo of Betaine and MyoTor that has nice reviews on I would try first Betaine by itself, to see if MyoTor has any...
  15. S

    Severe snoring after first injection and now going for 5 weeks.

    Google AI: Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can potentially cause snoring by impacting the muscles in the upper airway, causing them to relax excessively during sleep, leading to airway collapse and obstructed breathing, which manifests as snoring; this mechanism is primarily linked to...