Recent content by rustylwb

  1. R

    I'll have to get testosterone enanthate from bodybuilding stores. What are some good brands?

    I'm an expert at getting stuff back home from Switzerland France & Germany. MAIL IT> I've mailed stuff 30 times only once did they check the box. And they didn't take all of the items out. They do not push filling charges just your ok to Dump it. I had Ambin and because it was Stilnox in France...
  2. R

    Dangerous night time erections, while taking Cialis?

    Watch YouTube the doctors dozens say that erections at Night are normal and are also a MUST forgood health
  3. R

    As of today I am involuntarily off of TRT - Thanks Empower

    I get mine at Walmart every Month for years. Both Cyp & gel
  4. R

    Can I use Androgel only occasionally

    I've used several TRT items No you can not use Gel occasionally after getting started u can however make it work better (stronger) by applying an extra pump 1hr 45 min before sex. I have tried it several places but direct on the Tool works best and I will add girth to your tool. If we could post...
  5. R

    Testosterone injection frequency and it’s effect on hematocrit

    FYI I have the same problem. Even 150mg puts me over I've been at 5.9 before. I did a lot of research trying to find out why. The Dr has no idea. Just cut back or donate but I have to go to an Oncologist to donate. But I read an article from Bayer AG in Switzerland where they are located they...
  6. R

    Early morning wake ups

    I had sleep issues for 40 years . But I have also taken sleeping pills for 40 years. Ambien and temazepam. My problem is that when it is sleep time I start to think about the universe and the first minute of space & time. Don't waste your life with to little sleep. Just check the stats of how...
  7. R

    Can Oral Glutathione Supplements Work?

    So what are you asking about your liver? I can say it is OK to use Test Gel and Shots. My Liver Dr is Jeff Weinstein MD director of the Methodist Liver Institute in Dallas. He is a Multi Hall Of Fame Super Doctor. When two Dr.s told me I had 3 years to live I fired both and started with Dr...
  8. R

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    I agree with systemlord This Dr doesn't know what she is doing I also have one. But mine does listen to what I want and mostly does what I suggest. If your ins will pay for LowT go there they will give you what you really need. But if not go to a urologist. I do and he is in a Big practice I...
  9. R

    Depressed: My Wife Does Not Accept if I Use Trimix or PT-141

    My wife also told me that she didn't think I deserved sex because I wasn't nice enough. I told her that if she didn't want to do BJ or get her medical problems fixed I was going to find someone on Craigslist that wanted to give me what I needed and I did that very thing. Hundred of people that...
  10. R

    Penile fibrosis after long time without morning erections?

    I noticed the finasteride. I'm taking it for hair loss and have for about two months. Maybe it is affecting my sex drive but until today I have tried to not think about it. I did read about it when I started. It said it can stop your sex drive. Is that why you are asking about it? My sex drive...
  11. R

    Nandrolone for Mood | Feeling much Better..

    Did you get Deca from an MD or DO I'm a 78 years old weight lifter. That may be a stretch calling myself that. LOL
  12. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    Thanks for the shockwave therapy. They have commercials a dozen times a day in Dallas.
  13. R

    Should I restart TRT? Labs Included

    Fire that Dr. And get one that's up to date on T. If you have ins. Go to LowT and they will fix you up. All you need is ED problems. The LowT in Richardson Tx only takes 10-15 min in& out. I've been as high as 1300. But they like to keep it below 1200 here. But the girls really decide the number...