Recent content by Queequeg

  1. Q

    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    Testosterone cypionate, eod. I seem to feel best between 7-800. I've been over 1,000, and didn't feel "better".
  2. Q

    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    I've been taking testosterone since 2016 and I'm happy with the results. I had hct and hbg just a bit over normal range for a while but this has dropped back to upper normal. All my bloodwork is good. Hdl/ldl ratio often marked abnormal on the good side, often under 2.
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    There's a YouTube channel called Natto Dad that has pretty good videos on making your own natto.
  4. Q


    Effects of nattokinase on covid.
  5. Q


    I wouldn't say umami. As a side note I've recently built an incubator for Koji mold (aspergillus oryzae), and it's amazing for umami (it's the base for soy sauce, miso, sake, amazake, on and on...). Fish, chicken, steak even tofu marinated in Shio Koji is amazing! But, natto is funky. It's...
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    I buy bacillus subtilis starter and ferment the beans. It's relatively easy to do. Then I freeze it in plastic bags. It's definitely odd. It's slimy and smells funny. But then again, so are some of my favorite French cheeses! I mix it in to miso soup and the slime disappears. The beans have a...
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    I've been making natto recently. I've thought about taking nattokinase as a supplement, but I think that the actual whole food might have other properties that work together with the nattokinase. Either way, my normally very "clotty" blood flows much more like a "normal", for example when I...
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    TRIGGER FINGER is OUT OF HAND (no pun intended)

    Around 2018, both of my thumbs had gotten so bad that I couldn't open tight jar lids, in spite of being fairly strong. All of my fingers on the right hand hurt and the left hand was close behind. Ice gel pac gloves helped a little. At the same time, I had injured my hip flexor while...
  9. Q

    What is an Alpha?

    Do you happen to be a concrete truck driver?
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    What is an Alpha?

    I started working in the construction industry at age 18 and have been a general contractor for decades. The level of male posturing is pretty high with these guys, bosses and laborers alike. About 20 years ago I was walking in to the lumberyard behind two other contractors and I couldn't help...
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    What is an Alpha?

    It seems to me that there are so many guys who are desperate to appear dominant and superior. From my point of view it tends to highlight how marginal they really are. Over the years, my wife has commented that these types either try to pretend that I don't exist, or they try to compete with...
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    What is an Alpha?

    Hey, I don't want to hijack the "Danny Bossa Has Left The Building" thread, but I'd like to discuss the idea of the "Alpha Male". What do you think an "Alpha" male is? How does it relate to testosterone? Does it even really exist in Hoomans? Personally, I see lots of males clamoring to be some...
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    At home phlebotomy

    I tried a home therapeutic phlebotomy a few years ago. I was desperate because my hgb was high, so the Red Cross wouldn't do it. Also, I was supposed to fly internationally in two weeks and had two Dr's telling me that flying would be dangerous. Unfortunately, for some reason my pcp was...
  14. Q

    Vasectomy - Have You Had One? What's Your Experience?

    I had one 30 years ago. No issues. Wife thanks me regularly!