Recent content by PhilM7

  1. P

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    My total testosterone levels were about 550 when I started enclomiphene, but I don't feel good at that level, and need to get closer to 900 to get the free testosterone level up into the middle range. In years past I tried injections, but I was having heart palpitations with normal testosterone...
  2. P

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    My lab results are posted in another thread if you would like to view them. Look at posts below my userid, but if you can't find them, let me know. I have been on enclomiphene for about 3 months now. I am hoping I continue to feel good past 6 months, because I was taking Clomid a couple years...
  3. P

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    My eyes are more sensitive to light while on enclomiphene. Normally I never would wear sunglasses while driving unless the sun was rising or setting, but on enclomiphene I have to wear sunglasses while driving if it is not cloudy. That makes me think it might be easier to "see" floaters when...
  4. P


    This is an update a few weeks after the post above. I started taking .5mg of Anastrozole twice a week and I feel amazing. My energy is back and I am motivated to workout again. Mainly the depression has lifted, which was my main goal, as the depression was overwhelming at times. I am...
  5. P


    If there is a common forum for posting blood tests, please let me know. This seemed the best place for this particular blood test.
  6. P

    In the search for libido. Started Wellbutrin XL

    I had never heard of NMN until I saw this thread. Research is still being done, but it looks like it is unclear if it stops cancer, or can promote certain cancers. I noticed comments on Amazon that dermatologists are recommending NMN to stop skin cancers, but according to this article below...
  7. P

    In the search for libido. Started Wellbutrin XL

    Hi CKO. How long were you on Mucuna to get results? I assume it would take several weeks? Thanks for your post!
  8. P

    In the search for libido. Started Wellbutrin XL

    This is a little off topic, but it is related to libido. Did anyone ever use the supplement called 6-OXO about 18 years ago? The FDA took it off the market, because unlike many supplements, this one actually did something to hormones, but I don't know what. I was taking it for improved...
  9. P


    I stopped TRT for about 2 years, and decided to restart it this summer. I have been on Clomid before, and also the cream and the injections. With each one of those protocols, I could tell when it was working because I felt better and had more energy, and I couldn't see my ankle bones anymore...
  10. P

    Issues with cypionate causing heart pounding

    I have a theory that lowering LH and FSH in some men, which injections do, maybe the cause of heart palpitations. Or it has something to do with the constantly "on" dosage of testosterone, as the ester feeds a constant flow into the body. I had heart palpitations on injections, but not on...
  11. P

    HCG mono therapy, Dif brands different sides?

    My local TRT clinic told me they could no longer prescribe HCG, that it wasn't legal or available in the US anymore. Has anyone else heard that? I'm switching to Defy Medical this month and have already had the bloodwork done and I am waiting to speak with the doctor for the initial consult...
  12. P

    Acid Reflux and GERD Treatement

    I take 40 MG of Pepcid at night. It's not a PPI, but that's double the dosage recommended on the bottle. My doctor prescribed that amount, and it works as long as I don't drink sodas, eat a greasy meal before bedtime or eat a large meal before bedtime. I have had reflux for 20 years, that...
  13. P

    New Atrevis Hydrogel Based Testosterone Cream from Empower: Surprising Results!

    If you mean a tight scrotum, then yeah, the testosterone creams made mine very tight. Made sitting uncomfortable sometimes, due to the tightness.
  14. P

    A *** porn star talks about his journey with Trimix to penile implants

    Dallas, thanks for sharing your story with the group!
  15. P

    Penis smaller after TRT

    I use 12.5 mg of Clomid per day, along with my regular weekly testosterone injection to increase LH and FSH, and thus prevent the tight scrotum. Without Clomid, my scrotum is painfully tight. This may not work for everyone, because some guys don't tolerate Clomid well at all, and they feel bad...