Recent content by Pate22

  1. P

    Looking for specialist in TRT and hormone & peptide management in Mexico

    I had a a couple of follow-up questions: QUESTION 1 You said, “Would it be OK to have your compounded sublingual mailed to a friend of yours to then have her mail it to you in the main while ?” I responded, yes - not a problem. Then you said, “all legitimate compounding pharmacies stopped...
  2. P

    Looking for specialist in TRT and hormone & peptide management in Mexico

    Nelson, Thank you for replying. I have a mailing address in Laredo TX. Expat packages are “muled” across the border once a week and can be kept refrigerated if needed. Then delivered here in Querétaro within a couple of days. Also, greatly appreciate you asking your friend in CDMX. It’s...
  3. P

    Looking for specialist in TRT and hormone & peptide management in Mexico

    This is my first post. I have a lot to read and learn on this forum. There seems to tons of great information. It will take time to absord and learn - grateful for a community like this. I had a cutting-edge Urologist in Atlanta, GA that was treating me for ED (due to an injury), low...