Recent content by OMI100

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    I have been using Empower for my TD Test cream for a loooooooong time, with no issues in the past. I had my 6 month visit with my provider a few days ago. After going over all my labs, and evaluateing where I was at, the NP said I needed to find another source for my TD Test cream due to the...
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    WARNING.... MAY BE T.M.I. (TOO MUCH INFORMATION) :) My go at this will be NLT 22 April:) Click on "watch on youtube" and back up to the start of the vid.
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    OLder Emory vid. They have been doing HoLEP from 2019.
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    Dr I did my 2 PAEs. Yep he is a great DR that spends time with you before, during and after. He was upfront about the large size of my prostate at the time (200) and said I may need another. First was when he was at UNC, second was after he opened his current practice. PAE is TRULY NON...
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    UPDATE TIME 3-16-24 After much research I had decided to look into Aquablation. I reached out to the Emory Hospital URO DEPT as they have a Urologist that does Aquablation. I had a consult and was impressed with his openness and frank discussion. We went over all the issues that I have went...
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    UPDATE TIME 3-16-24 After much research I had decided to look into Aquablation. I reached out to the Emory Hospital (Atlanta) URO DEPT as they have a Urologist that does Aquablation. I had a consult and was impressed with his openness and frank discussion. We went over all the issues that I...
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    I am starting a NEW story line here :) I have some other older post that detail the back story :) TIRED of peeing every 1.5 to 2.5 hrs 24/7. After some research AQUABLATION looked like the way to go but no one in Alabama is doing it. I have been to UAB and had a flow test done that confirmed...
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    Overview of BPH procedures

    Jun 1, 2021 1,446 views • Jun 1, 2021 Christopher Keel, D.O, F.A.C.S., adjunct assistant professor of surgery at the USA College of Medicine and a urologist at USA Health University Urology, presented “Treating the Enlarged Prostate in the Modern Era: Minimally Invasive Techniques,” at the Med...
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    Aquablation: Expanding BPH Management Options

    Jun 5, 2023 In this episode, we discuss Aquablation, a new treatment for the urinary symptoms experienced by men due to an enlarged or obstructing prostate(BPH). In previous episodes, we have covered a variety of other BPH treatments ranging from the historical gold standard (TURP) to minimally...
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    Aquablation: Expanding BPH Management Options

    Here is a podcast that is excelent and as informative as the one above. I think this, and the the one above, go hand-in-hand. Very interesting to hear how the DR evaluates his patient and decideds what he feells is best option:
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    Aquablation: Expanding BPH Management Options

    TY Madman for this post. A verrry informative discussion on this procedure. I am leaniong towards this procedure or HoLEP to try and fix the Fed up TYRP that had a year or so back. Thanks again.... Hmmmmmm Jacksonvile is also doable for me with drive time being manageable:) omi
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    Wish me luck

    I have not been around for a bit. I am still have issues with the F'ED UP TURP that was done :(. I still wear a depends with a maxie pad 24/7 to deal with the after effects:( I know that EXCELMALE is the place to come for good info. I just finished looking at the vids that MADMAN posted...
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    Time for an update! I am STILL peeing ever 1.5 to 2 hrs DAY AND NIGHT :( I reachd out to the URO Department at UAB and had a uroflow test done. Results came back as Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO) and BPH. No other significant items identified. URO said lets try MYRBETRIQ and see if that...
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    Issues with Empower Pharmacy

    UPDATE 2 just received an email receipt for my TD cream so looks like my script was processed and went through. Now all I have to do is wait for the delivery:)
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    Issues with Empower Pharmacy

    UPDATE I asked my PC to send a NEW script. They did. Got a call last Friday from Empower and called back and got the "you are number 55...." and stayed on the line. Finally made it to Number 1 and got to talk to a real person. They received the script and as I was confirming all my info got...