Recent content by odessa man

  1. O

    Has anyone’s testicles ever NOT recovered? It’s been over 2 years, and mine are still atrophied. They’re still smaller than before. What can I do?

    its that no 2 testosterone that causes problems when that shuts down it puts the whole cycle out sperm is made in testacles semen in prostate gland u may know this theres 2 testosterones that work down there and 2 free teststerones the one that causes all probs is first on site down there...
  2. O

    Has anyone’s testicles ever NOT recovered? It’s been over 2 years, and mine are still atrophied. They’re still smaller than before. What can I do?

    i used to attended a gym years ago it doesnt matter if u are athletic as fck bloodworks a waste of time urologists know fck all had 20 years of it cos of taking a dieuretic doctors know fck al either whoever posted further saying it wont go back to what it was couldnt be more right !