Recent content by nuclear

  1. N

    Best medication for anxiety?

    Perhaps it has been said before, but consider supplementing with DHEA and pregnenolone. DHEA troches have made a huge difference for me. Pregnenolone MLM has also been helpful.
  2. N

    What the best Site to order Liquid Cialis/tadalafil

    Anyone ever have trouble with Tadalafil clumping up in the bottle and not resuspending?
  3. N

    Daily Injections of Testosterone

    You know, I felt anxious and stressed out regularly until I started DHEA troches. Two weeks in and the change is immense. Currently using T EOD and hcg daily.
  4. N

    Can anyone recommend a TRT clinic?

    Will Defy send an Rx to my pharmacy or does everything have to be purchased through them? ie Test Cyp, hcg, metformin, low dose naltrexone
  5. N

    Can anyone recommend a TRT clinic?

    Thanks for clearing that up. The woman I spoke to told me my only option was Labcorp, even when i told her it was over an hours drive.
  6. N

    Can anyone recommend a TRT clinic?

    I wish Defy could send an order my regular lab or email the order to me. Labcorp is over 60 miles away.
  7. N

    Protein bars

    I like Costco Kirkland brand.
  8. N

    Expiration question on compounded dhea and pregnenolone cream

    For those who purchase from a compounding pharmacy, what’s the typical shelf live when you receive it? I’m curious how long the product is good for after it’s compounded. Thanks
  9. N

    Vitamin B6 toxicity

    The neurologist said it accumulates in the muscle and can take a year or more for neuropathy symptoms to resolve, if they resolve at all. It’s a serious toxity. Be advised.
  10. N

    Vitamin B6 toxicity

    B6 being a water soluble vitamin is thought by many not to accumulate in the body. It does and can take a long time to clear. Neuropathy it causes can be permanent. Be careful with your intake. You only need @2 mg per day.
  11. N

    Vitamin B6 toxicity

    Yes, I was using a B complex. Plus, many supplements, bars, drinks, etc. contain B6.
  12. N

    Vitamin B6 toxicity

    I’ve developed a neuropathy thought to be from B6 toxicity. B6 levels were three times the max of the normal range. After a thorough neuromuscular work up, this is the only identifiable possible cause. Gabapentin is the only thing that takes the edge off the pain. Opening the thread to alert...
  13. N

    Risk of Visa Payment to Reliable Rx Pharmacy

    Use a “Virtual Credit Card”. It’s good for one transaction only. No worries about fraud. Most credit card companies offer it. Google it for more info.
  14. N

    Need to build my Ferritin Back up. Need suggestions please.

    What's a good number to shoot for?
  15. N

    Need to build my Ferritin Back up. Need suggestions please.

    I've been donating blood every 56 days for 30 years. My ferritin is @50. Not bad considering all the donations. All other measures of iron are good. I'm on a mission to raise the ferritin now using iron bisglycinate.