Perhaps it has been said before, but consider supplementing with DHEA and pregnenolone. DHEA troches have made a huge difference for me. Pregnenolone MLM has also been helpful.
You know, I felt anxious and stressed out regularly until I started DHEA troches. Two weeks in and the change is immense. Currently using T EOD and hcg daily.
For those who purchase from a compounding pharmacy, what’s the typical shelf live when you receive it? I’m curious how long the product is good for after it’s compounded. Thanks
The neurologist said it accumulates in the muscle and can take a year or more for neuropathy symptoms to resolve, if they resolve at all. It’s a serious toxity. Be advised.
B6 being a water soluble vitamin is thought by many not to accumulate in the body. It does and can take a long time to clear. Neuropathy it causes can be permanent. Be careful with your intake. You only need @2 mg per day.
I’ve developed a neuropathy thought to be from B6 toxicity. B6 levels were three times the max of the normal range. After a thorough neuromuscular work up, this is the only identifiable possible cause. Gabapentin is the only thing that takes the edge off the pain. Opening the thread to alert...
I've been donating blood every 56 days for 30 years. My ferritin is @50. Not bad considering all the donations. All other measures of iron are good. I'm on a mission to raise the ferritin now using iron bisglycinate.