Three months since starting TRT therapy. I can't say I noticed much in terms of muscle strength or fat loss. I was never very fat so I guess I may not see much there. Muscle strength is another thing. My workouts have been limited by new back pain issues - another thing that came out...
Not anymore. FWIW, since I started the T injections, my need to use the bathroom when sleeping has gone from 3-4 times to 1-2 times. I even have the occasional night where I go to sleep and wake up 7-8 hours later without ever using the bathroom.
I don't want to get into the IM or Subq debate.
What size needles do most people use to inject Subq. My doc wants me to use 3/4 inch and inject at a 45 degree angle in my belly fat.
One thing for certain, at 60+ it's a lot easier to get injured and a lot longer to recover. For that reason I am very careful. One injury that knocks me out of training for a month can undo several months of training.
It's been two months since I started my 80mg a week routine of TRT...
One of the quickest benefits of TRT has been better sleep. Pre TRT I would wake up avery 2-3 hours to use the bathroom. Now, I easily go 4-6 hours before I wake up and sometimes all the way through the night.
"I think my libido is getting a boost, but I certainly don't have the drive I had...
I am also wonderintg about those men who have diagnosed with osteoperosis and are getting TRT to help with that. How long have have you ahd TRT and has it helped? Right now this is my #1 concern.
At well over 60, I was surprised to learn that I had osteoporosis. My doctor got suspicious since I am of normal weight and reasonably active for my age. My bones should be holding up better than they are. He tested me for T levels and my total T was half the minimum, and my free T was...
I'm glad to hear that. I get a bit concerned when I see those photos of some guy in his 30's with muscles bigger than my chest size (No, I am not fat). It reminds me of the yoga ads that show a young petite gal in her early 20's twisting herself into a pretzel. Umm.... how about some...
Hello. I'm an older guy pushing 70 fast. The last thing I thought I would be doing at this age is TRT. But life has a way of surprising us while we are making our plans.
Earlier this year I decided it was time to replace my arthritic knee. For decades I have been bone on bone in that knee...