I currently only have one place i go to for good hcg but they are out of stock . Feel free to inbox me with suggestions because safemedsforall and reliable rx hcg are underdosed wastesvof money . Heard the o ly indian hcg that is good is eutrig (very overdosedwhich is fine by me ) but isn't...
Saw a janoshik test that eutrig had a bit under 10,000 iu for a 5,000 iu vials but ALL other indian hcg is extremely underdosed since corion is gone. Wanting to know if there's any ugl hcg available in the us that is potent and not a huge waste of time like 99% of the indian hcg
So supposedly the only indian hcg that is actually good (actually massively overdosed ) is Eutrig hcg but isn't available in the us . I have also heard that Pharmaqo 5000 hcg is great too . Please advise.
I got fertigyn because i've heard good reviews from several people on here but this here makes me unsure. Is it possible that fertigyn is more highly concentrated and not because there's less hcg in it?
So I have been using gonadotrope brand hcg (don't know if I'm allowed to post source ) that seems to work VERY well. I have recently after some research and conversations with people on here have acquired some fertigyn hcg that's supposed to be one of the better Indian hcg brands. Is there...
I have heard and read back wh3n corion was available it was THE best Indian hcg and almost as good as preglyn . I consistently hear that zyhcg sucks 50% of the time (I hear half good reviews half it sucks bad reviews) and saw a few posts/comments that claim fertigyn is probably the current...
I'm no expert but maybe more time and a much higher hcg dose while retaining the HMG dose would possibly have massively increased your count? It's to my knowledge you usually still need higher or high dose of hcg with the HMG to get the full effect of it all while maintaining test dosage but I...