Yes of course I will. SubQ shots gave me skin redness and small bumps I think from very slow absorption I couldn't do them daily. You are right about daily delt shots but is the easiest to apply and the quickest to absorb. Second best choice would be IM glutes.
Interesting. What was your test prop dose? I've had same issue with straight prop causing too much stimulation at night. I suggest you to try enth+prop blend with higher ratio enth to prop.
I'm using just 5mg of progesterone drops EOD cause of half life of transdermal progesterone is 30-40 hrs, on ED application and felt tired and sedated all times. Tried HCG long time ago and had moon face with aggression and irritation at any dosage.
@readalot How would you compare transdermal testosterone naval application to scrotum, penis or anus? Do you think navel has lower 5-alpha reductase then scrotum?