Recent content by Neil

  1. N

    My prostatitis has improved by me going to weekly injections

    @xibxang, I saw this thread many months after it was written. I also suffer from prostatitis; it's just wearing me down. I also inject SQ three times a week Test Cyp. So, after all these months, how is your prostatitis doing with the once-weekly shots? Thanks
  2. N

    38 y/o TRT

    I've been doing SubQ into belly fat for years now. I'll never go back to the painful IM shots. I did experience the "hard knots" at first, but someone on another forum said to use 1/2" syringe and "bury the needle", ie : dent the skin by pushing it deeper. I've never got another knot since. I've...
  3. N

    The alcohol swab before the needle: A point of debate Or a waste of time?

    Most studies about swabbing skin before injection deal with patient populations and clinical outcomes, etc. I don't really care about all of those other people, I care about me. I do use alcohol swabs and was taught to swab the area for several seconds in a circular motion. I believe the chance...
  4. N

    Nodule from SubQ Injections

    I have gotten those when I didn't push in deep enough. What solved those sub q issues was using a 1/2" (27ga) and burying it, all the way in and denting the skin. Never happened again, and I've been doing it for almost 10 years. A buddy had the same issue, and he solved it with the same method.
  5. N


    If you were to consult with an MD or lipid guru, they would probably advise adding a statin to not only lower LDL, and it would lower overall particle numbers. But, my take is that you are pattern "A", so most likely in no danger. You could do a heart scan to see if you have coronary plaque...
  6. N

    sodium bicarbonate and exercise performance

    Wait. Isn't Sodium Bicarbonate just baking soda? And cheap as dirt practically? Interesting. But doesn't Sodium Bicarbonate completely neutralize your stomach acid if you take more than a little bit? Wouldn't this be bad to digest your food and get nutrients and amino acids in your diet?
  7. N

    Sub Q injections quit working

    I've been doing Sub Q for over 5 years now (Easy Touch 30ga, 1/2" buried deep in belly fat). I found the previous IM shots painful, barbaric, and sometimes I was limping around for a day or two after a deep IM shot. They f'ing hurt. The Sub Q method was a blessing for sure. My levels are exactly...
  8. N

    Fish oil and heart health with high heart scan (CAC) score of 850

    Absolutely true! A really proper workup would evaluate fasting and general overall insulin as well. Blood glucose (fasting) can indicate fairly normal for many years...all the while fasting insulin and general blood insulin levels could have been rising- this is true insulin resistance (but...
  9. N

    Fish oil and heart health with high heart scan (CAC) score of 850

    Well, officially you are prediabetic. Don't feel bad, I had you beat at 5.8, my wife was 6.2 and symptomatic. I'm lower now since I lost 45lbs on Keto (and counting, I'm still on Keto). If I were you, I would buy a finger stick blood glucose meter and check your 1.5 hours after eating glucose...
  10. N


    Interesting, to say the least. In my fifteen-plus years of reading health message boards, I've seen some pretty high doses of melatonin, but I don't think absolutely anyone took more than 10mg. But 140mg? That takes the cake. How was that supraphysiologic dose decided on? My wife and I take...
  11. N

    What to do if your Testosterone goes missing

    You could try to get a new relationship with Olympia. Tell them you are a new client, that you had a prescription for T previously, but had to stop it and let it go because of job loss during the pandemic. That way back before any T your level was "something like 230, from what I remember". I'm...
  12. N

    Hunger like never before

    Have you been gaining weight since all of this hunger set in? Typically, it's carbs and blood insulin levels that fuel the sensation and urge of hunger. And it's absolutely not necessary, by a long shot, to front-load an additional T dose when starting. With a 200mg shot, within 36 hours your T...
  13. N

    What to do if your Testosterone goes missing

    Yes. Here is the website, it has a box where you can fill out your name and phone. That's what I did for the trimix back in April. I filled out the form on a Sunday night, heard from someone named Kevin at Olympia on Monday, spoke to their doctor 15 minutes later, and got the trimix the next...
  14. N

    What to do if your Testosterone goes missing

    You could call another pharmacy like Olympia Pharmacy, that's where I get my tri-mix. They will call you back tomorrow morning, arrange for you to talk on the phone with one of their doctors immediately (the doctor called me in 10 minutes), and you will have your T the next day. They know how to...