Recent content by MV0334

  1. MV0334

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    A lot of the symptoms you are describing are similar to mine. Honestly, i've been on 50mg Clomid now for awhile with my TRT to fix the low e2 sides and it has helped tremendously. I am still not the old me, but the hot flashes have assuaged and im actually sweating in the gym again. My sleep has...
  2. MV0334

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    I have seen that switching can make a difference, but honestly if you don't have an autoimmune disease you should try to fix the issues with lifestyle modifications (sleep, diet, exercise, stress reduction) if you have not already tried those. Synthetic thyroid medication seems more toxic to me...
  3. MV0334

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    I highly doubt fish oil and other OTC supplements are compounding the problem. Possibly the DHEA (which I advocate you stay away from), but not fish oil. At the hight of my issues, I tried to attribute all my symptoms to food intolerance's. I switched to keto for like a year because "carbs made...
  4. MV0334

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Your protocol looks good but your test could come up a little. It is whatever you think is best but 550 can leave some men still feeling symptomatic. How long have you been on the levothyroxine? I am only asking because I have had patients develop weird side effects to this medication "increased...
  5. MV0334

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Awful anxiety. Sorry I didn't list it as a symptom. The issues I have experienced are numerous. I first attributed the anxiety to medical school, but i didn't have the anxiety at all till I crashed my e2 during my 3rd and 4th year. Whats incredibly weird is that when I was younger (roughly 8...
  6. MV0334

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Alright guys, I am a new member on this board but have been a member of ASF forums for awhile now. I literally came here to make one post about this topic. For the last 2 years I have been dealing with this issue and FOUND THE ANSWER. Long story short I crashed my E2 with letro "undetectable...