Recent content by MRX

  1. M

    Low dose nandrolone with low dose testosterone

    Forget nandrolone, after all its know to cause the dreaded Deca dick. Low does Masteron is unquestionably the way to go for E2 management, to free free test and for just a bit of attitude. I struggled with TRT until I added 50mg weekly of masteron. AI's are garbage and cause more problems than...
  2. M

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    My Lord 120mg week would put my E2 skyhigh Why did you start out with a high dose ? 96 mg per week (2 x 46 mg with an insulin spike) puts me at high normal T range and E2 in low 20s I add 40 mg weekly of masteron enanthate
  3. M

    Managing E2 without the use of AI: Suggestions?

    I'd much rather do a kiss of masteron than an AI 50mg a week does the trick for me E2 and BW is optimal The constant sore right nip has long vanished as well as the moodiness from elevated E2 Arimidex is horrible stuff for me, feels like I'm on an anti depressant and has crashed me before...