Recent content by mrbooshay

  1. M

    has anyone used pavillion pharmacy in ATL for a blend?

    Were you on anything before the blend? I haven't started it yet but have read many mixed feelings on it, especially the mct oil.
  2. M

    has anyone used pavillion pharmacy in ATL for a blend?

    I am switching from cream to injections. I have only ever used this doc for cream and for injections he uses pavillion pharmacy in ATL. They use a blend of cyp/prop mixed with mct oil. I have been on cyp for years prior to using cream but never a blend. Anyone have any experience with this?
  3. M

    Went off TRT cold turkey today!

    I stopped a while ago to have another baby. I had been on it for years. I gradually came off over about 2 months but didn't take anything for PCT. I felt very tired and sluggish for about a month then all was good. We got pregnant within that first month so I suppose everything kicked back in. I...
  4. M

    Headaches TRT

    I completely agree. Everyone reacts differently. The doctors I have encountered seem to think it is crazy to think something in the test may cause a reaction like a headache. Mine could have also been a reaction to the preservative, i'm not sure if they were the same when I was trying different...
  5. M

    Headaches TRT

    I have a history of headaches while on TRT. I think mine was related to the carrier oil and dosage. When I switched oils from cottonseed, it helped tremendously, then when I started doing lower doses more frequently, that helped even more. Then, when I switched to cream, they totally went away.
  6. M

    Scrotal cream and erection issues

    I was doing 4 clicks a day of 200mg cream. I tried cutting it in half for a couple weeks before I quit but maybe didn't give it enough time. I wouldn't mind mixing it up with injections. It's just frustrating that I felt so good on the cream besides the erections. E2 was 18.6 on last test.
  7. M

    Scrotal cream and erection issues

    Last blood test before I quit cream had my total T-1462, Free- 55, estrogens were normal but on lower side. I felt absolutely amazing. I am a pretty big worrier, maybe they call it anxiety nowadays but even when I was a kid i worried about everything. It's always going to be the worst case...
  8. M

    Scrotal cream and erection issues

    I was on scrotal cream for a couple of years and had great results. Wonderful labs. Muscles mass, energy, even libido was great. All except my actual erections. I had amazing libido, but when it came time to actually perform, there was a 50/50 chance of it happening, and if it did happen it was...
  9. M

    Testosterone Cream - Bad Experiences?

    I was on injections for 8 years and switched to scrotal cream a couple years ago. I loved it at first. So much easier than injections. I absorbed it very well and always had great numbers. I had super high libido, energy, and muscle tone. But, a few months into it I noticed even though I wanted...