Recent content by Mr MJ

  1. M

    Any guys on TRT long term and how is it? Newbie androgel but haven’t began

    I've been on it for almost 19 years now and if you take the time and find out what works for you It will improve your health. Dr Crisler was my doctor and he was very knowledgeable in my diagnosis and final treatment protocol. I've tried it all that has been out there and is out there. You must...
  2. M

    Turmeric Lowering DHT?

    I hope this is the correct forum for this question. I have been trying to find out if there is any information/studies done on the effects of taking turmeric and it possibly lowering/altering your DHT levels? I just started some and I do not want it messing up my TRT that I have been stable on...
  3. M

    Accutane gave me a positive side effect...

    I'll chime in.. I was on 40mg a day for 3 months on accutane in 1980. I had an excellent libido health, etc... In 2004 was when my whole world came crashing down. Severe ED and joint pain, spondylosis of back and almost primary hypogonadism. My free T in 2004 was way below low. I deal with...
  4. M

    How many days a week do you inject testosterone poll

    Daily at 14mg with HCG M, W, F 170mg Almost a full year. Feel absolutely normal with everything working like a clock. Also no AI and no problems with ED or libido.
  5. M

    Start a new thread or continue with an old one?

    I wondered if an individual should start a new thread in regards to a former post they made about a protocol change or just continue on where there old post stopped? I switched to daily shots about 7 months ago and was giving an update today - so I posted my findings in the original thread.
  6. M

    Daily shot protocol change?

    Update..... It has been about 7 months on daily injections and they are working great!! My hematocrit is not rising as fast and ED and Libido are the best they have been! Labs are perfect. My only question now is this: I rotate delt and glute shots daily shallow IM , but feel better if I only...
  7. M

    Daily shot protocol change?

    Yes . All tests have been sensitive LC/MS/MS.
  8. M

    Daily shot protocol change?

    My E2 has been about 98 before when I was just doing 50mg Mon and Thursday. I had to take .5 Ai EOD to keep that in check. This was for 8 years. When I switched to EOD SUB Q/Shallow IM it completely eliminated the need for an AI. I feel better though with more T than just what I am currently...
  9. M

    Daily shot protocol change?

    My E2 has been about 98 before when I was just doing 50mg Mon and Thursday. I had to take .5 Ai EOD to keep that in check. This was for 8 years. When I switched to EOD SUB Q/Shallow IM it completely eliminated the need for an AI. I feel better though with more T than just what I am currently...
  10. M

    Daily shot protocol change?

    It has always been between 16 to 22.
  11. M

    Daily shot protocol change?

    My questions is simply this: I am going to try ED injections in order to try and improve libido, energy and keep Hematocrit stabilized. I am 57 and I have been on replacement for 14 years. I have had some minor instances with ED and I have always been a high converter to estrogen. I have been...
  12. M

    Daily Testosterone prevent polycythemia ?

    That is amazing! Your hematochrit has stabilized. I bet you feel better and your ferritin levels have come back up. I think I am going to give this a try. I bet I have given about 20 gallons of blood over theyears... Michael.
  13. M

    Need to build my Ferritin Back up. Need suggestions please.

    I have found for me that the best way I absorb iron and is easy on the gut is to take comfort iron 25mgs at lunchtime along with some meat protein, steak, hamburger etc. I do not take anything else except vitamin c at breakfast. I have always had to do a phlebotomy every 6 weeks and my ferritin...