Recent content by mqsymth

  1. M

    Uncovering the Latest on Shockwave Therapy for ED

    I did shock wave therapy about 7 years ago. It did absolutely nothing for me. The Dr suggested I do another 6 weeks of therapy . I refused.
  2. M

    Can you take non-daily 10mg Cialis, daily?

    I started Cialis at 10mg per day after about a month I started getting back aches upon rising and walking. I stopped and after a week the back aches stopped.
  3. M

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    If you have herpes 1 or 2 the arginine will cause a breakout.
  4. M

    Trimix versus Quadmix??

    I started trimix about 6 years ago. I started at 0.12ml and had to increase by 10% every 6 moons or so. I’m now up to o.40ml. I asked my urologist if I needed to switch to quadmix and he said no. I use a 31g 5/16 “ nettle to inject. It takes 4 to 5 min to get to 100% with massaging.
  5. M

    Testosterone mixed with MCT oil

    Where do you get your Testosterone to make your coconut out testosterone injections?
  6. M

    Urolift Prostate procedure and TRT

    I had BHP so bad that it severely inhibited the urinary tract. I was getting up 4-7 times at night to pee. When I went to my Urology doctor, after I voided my bladder was still 90% full . The urine was backing up into my kidney and caused kidney damage. My eGrf was 28. I then had robotic...
  7. M

    Injecting any amount of testosterone cypionate subcutaneously leaves hard lumps/scar tissue

    I inject in the butt fat 3 x a week tu, th, sat. 60mg/week. no lumps in butt. T usually ~900 on labs. Been during this since 2015. Age 72.
  8. M

    Bacteriostatic Water for Trimix

    Do you have to refrigerate after mixing together?
  9. M

    A *** porn star talks about his journey with Trimix to penile implants

    The same increase happened to a friend who started Trimix about the same time as I did but at a lower dose. He's now up to my dose. I don't know if this happens to everyone. My Urologist didn't think this was unusual. My guess is that the more times you use it per week the more you need to get...
  10. M

    A *** porn star talks about his journey with Trimix to penile implants

    I'm in my late 60s. I've been using trimix for 4+ years. When I started a dose of 16units(.16cc) produced a 100% erection in 5min massaging penis. Today I need 32 units for the same effect. I alternate sides for injections. My erections last 2 hrs. At 2 hrs I'm at 90% and drops down to slightly...
  11. M

    Endo says SHBG doesn’t need to be tested. Need advice

    Pubmed Reference from your PA please. What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without prof.
  12. M

    Self Prescribed TRT and AT Home Bloodwork

    Where do you get the home blood tests from?
  13. M

    DiscountedLabs Blood Tests-Selecting Additional Tests

    I noticed you don't have the NMR LipoProfile test on your discountedlabs site. Why?
  14. M

    Experience Pinning EOD vs Every 3.5 Days?

    I pin 20mg TCYP 3 x a week subq in the butt on Mon, Wed, Fri. My T levels are 800-1000 depending on when I get tested either Mon or Tue morning by Labcorp. I also take 0.25mg of arimidex 3x a week one day after the TCYP pin. My e2 levels are around 15-20. I've been doing this for the last 10...