Thank you for taking the time to respond to me and help me. I know for a fact that my friends whom ive seen take women into the bedroom multiple times, most with girlfriends would quit weed if they had ed. I can never know for sure, but I can hear my roommates partner when hes with a women and I...
Hopefully its me thinking about my erections but i really dont think so. Sometimes my erections come back for like a week and will go away. Im not even sure if I can say I have ed. I can easily get an erection but it is way softer and takes longer. It is just as frequent though and sometimes...
Im not sure the ed is from anxiety though because i can get an erection but it is much softer than usual and it is for masturbation so no preformance anyiety. Sometimes i can get hard as i used to but this usually lasts for 2-3 days before i get ed again. Also, i will continue to stop weed and...
Not at all. I wrote in an earlier post that I was stopping. Btw, I feel no different (still have ed) after stopping 2 weeks ago so maybe last time I quit was a coincidence but I will continue to not smoke weed. I have no commitment to being stoned. Im not awfully commited to "being on drugs" at...
I have extreme brain fog and fatigue and mild ed. I feel that at anytime I could easily fall asleep which should not be the case, especially since I get 9 hours of sleep a night. I also have trouble concentrating. Was dianosed with adhd and Test levels are 270 (350-1150) and I am only 18. I also...
Hi everyone,
I got some new tests results back just now and just wanted to post them in case anyone has a clue what they mean. Even if you only could answer one question, all help is welcome.
Crp Uq 5.5 (0-3) Serious inflammation?
Cholestrol 160 (0-200)
Interleukin-6 0.7 (0-15.5)
Also, is there any way to tell if my elevated crp is due to gastric issues or arterial plaque. Are there blood tests I can get done to see if my inflammation is gastric or due to heart condition/arterial plaque.
Yes decently in depth.
ft4 and ft3 was a little lower than mid range
iodine deficient
I took natural thyroid medication (similar to amour thyroid) and tsh dropped to 2.59 and ft3 rose to top of normal range
Ft4 remained the same
RT3 is low normal
I decided to stop taking thyroid meds...
Will get that pulled soon. my dad and and his dad were both overweight with high cholesterol. grandpa got diabetes around when he turned 80. Dad has prediabetes. Both had horrible eating habits and didn't get much exercise. Any way to tell if my elevated crp is due to gastric issues or arterial...
If it were true that infrequent marijuana use (twice per week) causes ed and all of those things, then why doesn't any else get ed from weed? Ik over 50 people, each who smoke way more than me, many who are sexually active who I have talked to and they do not have ed. Why does weed give me ed so...
First off, Ive smoked weed for 3months, on and off. For the past 2 months ive smoked less than twice a week. Some of my friends who smoke 4 times a day everyday for over 4 years have no issues. I have been eating healthily. I do exercise. No idea why my cholestrol is high because I eat 4 eggs at...