It's a lot of things, but it's hardly rubbish. There's a reason anti-platelet meds like Effien are prescribed for anyone(as in 100%) with a cardiac event, it is to prevent clotting. Had a stent implant? Instant multi year scrip for anti-platelet meds.
Much talked about subject when Dr Crisler was still alive and purporting how Dr Neal Rozier felt very strongly about not donating with high hematocrit. Main argument being that the platelets remain low while RBC is elevated. May be true up to about 55, but beyond that blood pressure and general...
Just saw research where Grapeseed oil causes more oxidative stress and creates more free radicals in the testicles than other carrier oils. Of course the test was done in rats lol, but...? Grapeseed oils also have abnormally high levels of PUFA , bad because they oxidize so readily. So not good...
the lump is the oil that didn't make it into the muscle, 1/2 inch is pretty shallow, never heard of less than 5/8 for intramuscular. I've always used 1.25 in for im, mostly between my thighs and butt.
I do, it's a matter of finding a good source. Indian pharmacies seem to have a lot, but one that had a good rep wasn't available and they were so pushy about trying to sell a different brand I was put off.
HGH can enlarge organs, no thanks. Metformin seems to have as many negatives perhaps more than positives. Metformin fans seem to be in denial over this. Rapamycin look very promising. There appears to be one main researcher that has made it his lifes work(Blagoskony (sp)) and one main...
I think the body adapts, pretty sure I saw Nelson state that his T dose now is half of what it used to be and his levels are the same. I've gone from 180 per week to 80 per week and my last draw had my T at 1300 2 days after my half weekly shot. Maybe I'm still too high.
Defy will not pull you off TRT for a 51 hct. 51 is actually high normal for some people. They might be concerned at 53 but even then there is no hard fast policy.