What's the evidence for this? Seems the opposite is true. Your body will lower production of testosterone to limit the damage from high estrogen. It will happily make more testosterone if you trick it into thinking estrogen is low.
No worries about TMI. I have a wife that is frustrated because she would like it at least daily and I just don't have anywhere near that level of interest. Because I feel bad for her, my dosing and frequency haven't been as consistent as they probably need to be. I try to give things a full 12...
Really interesting. If you divide your free T by your Total T you get .24. That's the same as me. And I also have libido issues.
Hard part to figure out is if the Free T is too high. If the Estradiol is too high, etc. I read on a reddit forum from a nurse practitioner that they've never seen a...
I would try that dose for at least 6 weeks. I found out after much trial and error over 8 years of being on TRT that roughly 50-60 milligrams a week was the right amount for me. You can always go up if you're not feeling better.
There must be a reason but why doesn't anyone take exogenous Estradiol when they feel like their estrogen is too low? I mean if it was too low wouldn't that immediately fix the problem without having to worry about things like DHEA converting. Heck, you can buy the stuff on Amazon.
Can someone make sense of this study? How did these guys not crush their E2 and why is their LH and FSH normal??
Coadministration of anastrozole sustains therapeutic testosterone levels in hypogonadal men undergoing testosterone pellet insertion. - PubMed - NCBI
I think your estradiol might be too low. With a number at 20 and high shbg your free estradiol could be low and that could account for the sore joints.
Thanks! If that's the case, do you think I could do a test where I take 200mg at one time and then wait for a day when I'm feeling that libido and somehow extrapolate a proper dosing schedule?
Anyone have any experience with libido coming back right before your next shot? Thinking back on my experiences with TRT I remember getting put on a protocol that had me coming in every 10-14 days for a shot. Unfortunately, I was pretty accepting of whatever the doctor wanted to do at the time...
Just wanted to update anyone who was following this that my first results were very disappointing. I'm acutely feeling the effects of low T and low E and don't know that I can continue for another 4 weeks to see if my pituitary kicks in.
Total T - 141
Total E non-sensitive - 9.3
LH -...
No offense taken on my part. I know this is probably a wacky theory with little chance of success but it's just that I've only had brief periods of time in the last 6 years when I felt half way decent on TRT.
As far as the timing goes, it's already slipped a little from my original plan. When I...
Guys it's not like there is no evidence that this dietary regime could make a difference.
Look at the following from this paper: https://www.physiology.org/doi/pdf/10.1152/jappl.1997.82.1.49
Everything I'm trying to do is maximize the intake of things that this chart shows makes...