Recent content by Markee

  1. Markee

    Primobolan/Tren HRT No Test

    Here's a video that talks about the pros and cons of adding Primo to your TRT protocol and another sort of related one about adding Masteron Both drugs are not legally available in the US
  2. Markee

    Where can I get HCG now?

    I'm not really sure exactly what the HCG test report cost if you go to Janoshik Analytical he has a few different tests related to HCG check it out maybe you can make more sense from it then me. I'll be happy to donate one of my HCG vials and chip in on the cost to test if its not crazy high
  3. Markee

    Where can I get HCG now?

    There complete price list is posted above cost was $170 for 10 vials x 15000iu
  4. Markee

    Where can I get HCG now?

    I recently ordered there 10 x 15000iu domestic US shipped and I got the stuff really quick like in a few days. I been using HCG for literally decades and I'm not really feeling the kick I think I should be according to there test results stuff should be kicking ass. I'd like to get my batch...
  5. Markee

    Where can I get HCG now?

    Heres a picture of the test so you don't have to wait to see it if you mean your waiting for approval from the forum. I recommend doing your research on Qingdao Sigma's HCG quality. I don't know how much you can trust test results when they're the one supplying the product to be tested not very...
  6. Markee

    Where can I get HCG now?

    Heres one you might want to consider supposably trusted source that's been around for a long long time Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd. Best to do your own research on them I've used them in the past of HGH and it was all good. Here updated HCG test results over dosed...
  7. Markee

    Where can I get HCG now?

    Yeah, I saw that probably just going to order the HCG from overseas the domestic HCG is a bit pricey. One thing I can say is that the PSL payment process was a little tricky but once I got my payment through with the direct-from-US option I had my stuff in 3 days. I also did some quick...
  8. Markee

    Where can I get HCG now?

    I've been using ReliableRX's India-based HCG for about 10 years, but now you’ve got me thinking I should consider ordering from somewhere else. I've been using HCG for over 40 years, and back in my bodybuilding days, I remember it having a real kick. However, the HCG I've been using for the past...
  9. Markee

    Need help understanding my dosage on Atrevis Cream .

    I've been on TRT for a long time maybe over 20yrs already. I recently switched over from injectable to Atrevis cream. A few things I noticed applying it to my upper arm instead of my scrotum made very little difference in my blood work test levels and believe it or not just applying it once a...
  10. Markee

    Is anyone here on Traditional Medicare using Defy Medical?

    I use Defy Medical and just started Medicare. I'm now on Traditional Medicare and a Plan N supplement I'm not on an Advantage plan. My ACA insurance has always covered my blood work. Hoping someone who's also using Defy Medical and is on Traditional Medicare not an Advantage plan can chime in...
  11. Markee

    Assessing Instability in Lumbar Stenosis

    Traditional Spinal Surgery vs This Newer Minimally Invasive Ultrasonic Spine Surgery Technology
  12. Markee

    Just diagnosed with a inguinal Hernia advice ?

    I had it repaired long ago when I first posted this thread. The whole procedure was super easy I have absolutely no scar or symptoms I can't ever remember which side I had it on. I would recommend just having it repaired and be done with it
  13. Markee

    Does testosterone cause swelling of feet? How to fix

    I've been on TRT for a long time already over 25yrs. For the past few years, I'm having the same issue pretty bad swelling in my feet and ankles. My primary care doctor sent me to a Vascular surgeon who thought for sure I had CVI or Chronic Venous Insufficiency it's a common issue as you get...
  14. Markee

    Trans scrotal testosterone cream application is a game changer

    Where's the best place to get the stuff without insurance ?