So it seems my clinic's pharmacy is no longer providing hCG so they want to change my protocol which i would rather not do. I see everyone mentioning Empower pharmacy but it is illegal for them to even continue to produce hcg from my understanding and they are breaking the law based on the...
Yes it seems my clinic is stopping because it is no longer available. I see everyone mentioning Empower but it is even illegal for them to even produce from my understanding and they are breaking the law based on the ruling found here. I know they are not licensed yet so what gives them the...
They did not specify if it would be with clomid as i am currently on testosterone. i think they are looking to do gonadorelin with my test protocol. i do not think there is a real alternative to hcg so they are researching
Funny you mention gondaotropin because they also referred to "gonadorelin" as well. It seems they are unsure of which direction they are going as i was informed of 2 different things....
My doctor wants to change my protocol. I am currently on 200mg of testosterone and HCG. They now have mentioned "gonadorelin" for hcg alternative as well a clomid. has anyone heard gonadorelin?
I was notified today that my clinic will be replacing hcg with clomid. My current protocol is 200mg testosterone, hcg. what are your opinions on testoserone and clomid together?