Recent content by klime

  1. K

    New Member: Worse Off than ever after years of TRT, HCG now not working, debilitating insomnia - Please Help !

    I had the same issue on injections. Now I use 20%compounded cream. I apply 200 mg first thing in the morning to my scrotum. Now I sleep like a baby and my sex drive, mood everything is so much better.
  2. K

    Poor sleep / Reaching end of my rope

    This was my case. I had a very hard time sleeping from injections. I have now switched to 200mg/ml of compounded cream and only apply once in the morning the full 200mg . I feel so much better. Mood is better erections are better mental clarity is much better, sleep is now not an issue for me.
  3. K

    Different vial color concern

    I have the same testosterone. Was getting brown bottles but now clear. Everything is good on my end. I haven’t noticed any difference in the effectiveness of the testosterone. Hope this helps.
  4. K

    Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (cBHT)- FDA Ban Anticipated

    Told my story hopefully more people will stand up.
  5. K

    New Atrevis Hydrogel Based Testosterone Cream from Empower: Surprising Results!

    What brand of pregnenolone are you using ? I need to pick some up.