Recent content by Kimpe

  1. K

    Quitting clomid, taking AI for a short time?

    I was on trt for few years and got switched to clomid mono therapy because me and my gf wanted kids. I was on clomid for almost a year and we are having our first baby on January. After being so long on clomid I wanted to see if I could be completely without trt. I stopped taking clomid and...
  2. K

    Clomid decreaces the LH response to LH-releasing hormone? (Study)

    Yeah low dose is the way to go. There are even studies showing that low dose was almost as effective at stimulating testosterone than higher doses, with obviously less sides. I did 12,5mg eod and even that definitely made me feel better than being without it.
  3. K

    Clomid decreaces the LH response to LH-releasing hormone? (Study)

    True, I doubt there is any more benefit regarding recovery, from continuing clomid. I've tried coming off, but everything goes to sh*t when I do so. My blood pressure goes up, I start getting a lot more heart palpitations I normally do, I get so tired that it's crazy. I was one month without...
  4. K

    Clomid decreaces the LH response to LH-releasing hormone? (Study)

    I've been on clomid mono for roughly a year now, and been trying to quit it. Today I found this study: Hormonal effects of an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, in normal and oligospermic men - PubMed So it seems that clomid might actually hurt my ability to be without trt? After all I'm trying to help...
  5. K

    HCG mono, ok T level but feel terrible?

    I've been on HCG mono for few weeks now. Dosage is 1250iu 3x week. Just got a blood test done Total testosterone: 24,8nmol/l (10-38) Translated to US units it's 715.28ng/dl so pretty nice number IMO. Estrogen: 0,16nmol/l (<0,15). Didn't get free testosterone this time, because my shbg is...
  6. K

    TRT causing migraines

    Wow you're actually using natesto currently? I thought it was still only in development phase. Have you got bloods with it? Really interesting how it's claimed to not tank your own production.
  7. K

    TRT causing migraines

    Hi! Surely there has to be guys here who suffer from migraines, how did trt affect them? I'm asking because trt seems to trigger migraines for me, and I don't understand why. There seems to be evidence about low T causing migraines, and trt actually helping, but still when I'm off I get zero...
  8. K

    Testosterone production & working out

    Interesting. Cortisol is probably the answer to what I was asking. For instance if you hit the gym 5 days in a row vs every other day. Wouldn't it make sense that resting a day after every workout would not drive cortisol up that much, and therefore not hurt testosterone production?
  9. K

    Testosterone production & working out

    There is a lot of information online about working out being good for testosterone production, while in the other hand it can actually be bad for it. I've been trying to research for information regarding this, and how much would actually be optimal for hormonal functions. Does anyone have...
  10. K

    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    There are only three optiona where I live: -Sustanon -Gels -Nebido (Testosterone undecanoate) I did sustanon with the basic 125mg/w which wasn't even that bad compared to how I feel now. I know splitting it more could be the answer, or I could try Nebido. With nebido the basic recommended...
  11. K

    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    I had really bad aural migraines, with symptoms similar to a stroke. I would get numbness and blurred vision in other side etc. It was really bad. I also thought that trt would have been the cause of my arrhythmias but that doesn't seem to be the case, even though my body might just need more...
  12. K

    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    E2: 0.13 nmol/l (<0.15) LH: 9.58 IU/l (1.50-9.30) Total testosterone: 16.7 nmol/l (8-29) SHBG: 29 nmol/l (15-95) Free testosterone: 274 pmol/l (155-800) Estrogen is within the range, but imo a bit high compared to my testosterone. Still probably not the reason for me feeling like crap thought...
  13. K

    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    Got arrhythmia today too. Clomid seems to aggravate it. Gonna leave clomid out and see if it helps. Weird since I thought clomid wasn't supposed to cause arrhythmia, but apparently I was wrong.
  14. K

    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    Interesting. Might lower the clomid dosage OR just drop it completely. Got pretty bad arrhythmia yesterday, so something is still wrong. Then again if I lower my dose, ny testosterone will surely drop too. It was suspected that I am primarily hypo before trt was started, and it supports it...
  15. K

    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    I 100% appreciate the honesty. I'm a bit worried that this might indeed be the case. On the good side thought, even if it happens, I'll hopefully be able to bank some fertile semen because of all this, before hopping back to trt.