Recent content by kashman112

  1. K


    A lot of people without metabolic issues have Low SHBG. And for many(Not All) it makes life on TRT hard .
  2. K


    A lot of people including myself have no signs of insulin resistance or T2D or Hypothyroidism but have low SHBG. It could be that the receptor in our livers for Thyroid doesn't get enough stimulation and we need something exactly like this. It is much safer than doing Superphysiological levels...
  3. K


    Gentlemen, there is a cure for Low SHBG FINALLY. And, It is tangible unlike the "keto diet and fasting". There is a newly approved drug that could easily more than double our SHBG and for many of us would mean a new life and TRT working. The drug is called Rezdiffra (Resmetirom) manufactured by...
  4. K

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    I do exercise by the way more than you ever imagine . There is a genetic component to this that these people don't understand . You always get responses like : Insulin resistance , weight loss , fiber , Caffeine , Metformin , Berberine , fasting ... Blah Blah blah . I have everything in order...
  5. K

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    I m just checking with the community to see if there is a new discovery with Low SHBG individuals ? Any new treatment ? Any new strategies to raise it ? It is a bad curse .
  6. K

    How does Thyroid hormone effect Estrogen and Aromatase?

    Does it upregulate or downregulate the aromatase enzyme ? I have read two studies that give conflicting answers . One study says it downregulates it , the other study says that it upregulates it and caused Gynecomastia in some men when they were hyper .
  7. K

    How does Thyroid hormone effect Estrogen and Aromatase?

    I have searched for the answer endlessly and only got conflicting reports . Does Thyroid hormone ( T4,t3) reduce Estrogen or raise it ? What is their effects on the aromatase enzyme ? Thank you . All seems very confusing and I think the TRT/testosterone community could benefit from the correct...
  8. K

    Toremifene Citrate

    I m in the process of restarting after TRT , but Clomid is a non-starter for me and Nolvadex also gave me libido issues . I want to choose Toremifene Citrate as the SERM post HCG but my doctor says it may not be available in pharmacies . Does anybody know if that is true ? Is there a pharmacy...
  9. K

    D-chiro-inositol raises testosterone significantly

    Interesting . Thank you for finding that . Is it worth adding it to my stack or do you think it is a waste of money ?
  10. K

    D-chiro-inositol raises testosterone significantly

    This study confirms that D-chiro-inositol raises Testosterone significantly and lowers E2 and Estrone : Why is this not talked about anywhere ? Is there something wrong with the study ? Am I missing something ?
  11. K

    How to lower IGF 1 ?

    I tried 100 , 80 and 60 mgs per week . On all of them I crashed after 2 weeks was worse than Pre TRT . Shbg is 25 without TRT . It s crashes to low teens with ANY dose of TRT .
  12. K

    How to lower IGF 1 ?

    I m a lowish SHBG individual . Nothing pretty much works for me . I feel bad on TRT after a couple of weeks and SHBG tanks further to low teens . Thyroid was not my problem and not the cause of my Low SHBG . However IGF 1 is always high , Off or On TRT . Most likely IGF1 is the root cause if my...
  13. K

    How to lower IGF 1 ?

    Is there a proven way or supplement for lowering IGF1 ? Besides the internet BS regarding diet .
  14. K

    Increase SHBG with Thyroid Meds T3/T4 Levothyroxine

    I have high reverse t3 and free t3 in mid-low range. Shbg is 27 without TRT and with TRT it will tank to 16 in two weeks. NO MATTER THE DOSE , FREQUENCY, AI OR NO AI. I ll always fell like hell after feeling great for two weeks . Could T3 only therapy make TRT work for me ??