Recent content by Jurek Kletsy

  1. J

    Latest Bloods. Appreciate Advice.

    Could you be more specific? Normal physiology being defined as the reference range, is that what you mean? The same range that causes doctors to turn away patients with low T symptoms because they are “within the healthy range”? You want me to provide evidence that the test subjects developed...
  2. J

    Latest Bloods. Appreciate Advice.

    This does not make sense. instead of increasing his dose, you would have him take transdermal E?! Just take more T and let the body convert. Also, define what makes these “healthy young men” healthy. Is it having a BMI < 30, not having diabetes, cancer or having had an episode of cardiovascular...
  3. J

    Topical Finasteride and Hair Loss: Study is Encouraging

    Topical finasteride is a misnomer, because it makes people believe it will only block dht conversion where you apply it. Instead it is absorbed transdermally lowering plasma dht levels. 2AR is slow to regenerate, which means you only need a very small dose for it to be just as effective (or...
  4. J

    Repeat Bout of Low Estradiol

    How is it high when it is not even 60% of the ref range?! You need to read up on AI’s, estradiol and TRT And not just take medication.
  5. J

    I replace all my hormones. Here is what I learned.

    Thierry Hertoghe is a pioneer for hormone replacement, especially in Europe. He also actively fought (and perhaps still does) for the legal rights to get or give these treatments. However, his approach to trt is a bit out of date: an injection every one or two weeks or a 10% non-scrotal cream to...
  6. J

    Why many lower their dose on ED injections

    I notice that on this forum there is a tendency by some members - moderators at that - to attack other members who share their experiences with a higher dose, even though their intention is not to encourage others to use the same doses. I understand we all have our beliefs and some of these are...
  7. J

    Tips to Dial In Test C + HCG Protocol

    HCG’s perks for sexual function is not limited to just fertility and ball size. It can also increase libido, sensation and erection quality. However, sexual function isn’t the only reason to take HCG. It will also stimulate steroidogenesis of adrenal hormones. An effect that is often overlooked.
  8. J

    Tips to Dial In Test C + HCG Protocol

    I need high levels to sleep and to reduce anxiety. I’m not advocating high doses for everyone, but if lowering the dose doesn’t work or rather makes it worse, try going up.
  9. J

    Alternating Dosage Every other day on Daily Dosing

    The whole point of daily dosing is keeping the levels steady, if you want fluctuations then don’t dose daily. If however high testosterone is what causes you anxiety and insomnia, then just lower your dose. Don’t overcomplicate this.
  10. J

    Non responders to test, what's been your plan now?

    If you have low testosterone and trt didn’t do anything “no matter the protocol” then you shouldn’t use it, the same way you shouldn’t use water to get wet if it doesn’t do that “no matter the protocol”. The phrase “no matter the protocol” is lazy. Be specific. You did not try “all” protocols.
  11. J

    high hematocrit/hemoglobin - what to do

    You did not. The studies you posted were not about people on TRT, so why was their HCT elevated in the first place? It matters. You are focussing on a symptom, ignoring it’s specific medical context, to draw a conclusion for a fundamentally different medical context. Ironically, the only fact...
  12. J

    high hematocrit/hemoglobin - what to do

    @ readalot You are responding to something I never said to create a gotcha-moment. I did not claim absence of evidence equals evidence of no risk of high hematocrit on TRT, I merely pointed out that you have no evidence proving otherwise, although to an unaware reader your post implies you do.
  13. J

    high hematocrit/hemoglobin - what to do

    @readalot There is no evidence that testosterone-based secondary erythrocytosis increases CVD. The studies that you posted do not dispute this. They apply to a different context and/or contain conflating variables. They also can’t account for a possible protective effect of testosterone. In...
  14. J

    high hematocrit/hemoglobin - what to do

    I don‘t understand the fear about slightly elevated hematocrit levels on TRT. Testosterone induces erythocytosis and not polycythemia. It is only the latter that inceases the risk of blood clots. Can anybody show me a study that concludes that slightly elevated hematocrits below (<60) alone...
  15. J

    Daily injections of Sustanon IM

    I inject Sustanon daily, shallow IM. Blood levels on Sustanon go down faster than on TE or TC, especially during the first days. I’d say about 45% in 3-4 days.