Recent content by Jucaro

  1. J

    Was Excel Hacked?

    Same here.
  2. J

    Has anyone successfully kept Hematocrit/Hemoglobin low without donating?

    At the beginning of my TRT I had to donate blood very often, then my hematocrit stabilized and I have now gone approximately 5 years without needing to donate.
  3. J

    Does Monogamy Work? (Watch if You Value Your Relationship)

    "Does Monogamy Work? (Watch if You Value Your Relationship)" As humans, we were created to have monogamous relationships, it is the only way we can form healthy families, healthy offspring, and pass on the values that made us superior to animals both intellectually and spiritually. Individual...
  4. J

    Testosterone plus Clomid Combination

    I don't think Clomid increased any LH and FSH level on you, but it may work by helping HCG at testicle level, counteracting the effect of excess of E2.
  5. J

    Clomiphene citrate: A potential alternative for TTh in hypogonadal males

    I would like to say that care should be taken with long-term treatment with clomiphene when there is no adequate LH response so testosterone remains in a very low range. That was my case, and I persisted for 6 months waiting for LH and testosterone to rise to a normal level, IGF-1 dropped...
  6. J

    My labs on 16mg every other day Test Cyp

    Yes, for me Insulin Syringe, 26G x 12.5 mm, into deltoid and outer part of the thighs. When on thighs, I press deeply with my fingers over the skin while inserting the needle, do to avoid doing subQ.
  7. J

    My labs on 16mg every other day Test Cyp

    Same happened to me when I tried SubQ. Then I went the Shallow IM route, and worked wonderful. I could do Shallow IM every day, for me it is almost painless, and less likely the have bruises or any other side effect in the site of injection.
  8. J

    HGC -- off for a week, suddenly morning wood

    My experience is that there must be something more to HCG killing erection (and libido, depending on dosage) than just E2. I have been on an odyssey for almost 4 years with HCG (and sometimes Clomid) trying to get my wife pregnant while battling very severe ED and loss of libido as a result of...
  9. J

    TRT & Pheromones (Question for the Ladies, Especially)

    I haven't read any studies on this topic, but from personal experience I believe that pheromones depend on testosterone itself, or its synthesis in the testicle. When I first hugged and kissed my current wife, about 4 years ago, she tells me that she was caught by my scent and despite it being...
  10. J

    50 mg/day Clomid (Clomiphene) plus High Dose HCG Study in Men

    No, I haven't, I just tried: - clomid alone, - HCG alone, - HCG + Clomid, - HCG + Clomid + Testosterone. Since I want to remain fertile, I am not interested in treatment with testosterone alone, and adding Clomid to testosterone does not make sense, even clomid alone does not do much for me...
  11. J

    50 mg/day Clomid (Clomiphene) plus High Dose HCG Study in Men

    My own experience is: HCG alone or combined with testosterone (HCG in fertility doses) kills libido and worsens erectile dysfunction, testicles decrease in size with continuous and constant moderately high doses of HCG. Clomid alone: kills libido, LH and FSH do not increase significantly, I am...
  12. J

    Long-Term HCG Monotherapy Results

    Thanks. Keep us updated!
  13. J

    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    You can probably find ovitrelle (or fake ovitrelle) on the black market. To get it in any legal pharmacy in Europe you need a prescription. In Spain or Portugal, forget it, I'm here and I know... OVITRELLE should be kept at cold temperature even during transport. So I don't think there is a...
  14. J

    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    You need a predcription.