Recent content by JohnTaylorHK

  1. JohnTaylorHK

    does Iodine influence hormone receptor activity?

    One drop of Lugols 2% per day seems to be good enough for me, and doesn't upset me. I can't honestly say I take it every day, but most days. I also take 5 gm potassium citrate and 5gm calcium phosphate in the same large glass of water. If I don't finish it all at nighttime, I drink the rest in...
  2. JohnTaylorHK

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    The whole T dosage thing is controversial and hit-and-miss. Read as much as you can on the subject, forums like this one are good but some others are awful. If you can't get expert advice, particularly if you can't afford the exorbitant costs involved, then you can carry out your own N=1...
  3. JohnTaylorHK

    Fasting may not be so safe?

    I fast for 2 days every 2 weeks, and don't have a problem, not even hunger. The longest I have gone is 4 days, no tiredness or hunger. I don't want to push it harder than that. My reasoning is that the "feast and fast" cycle was never usually for hours, rather we killed/collected what we could...
  4. JohnTaylorHK

    Sexual Dysfunction Associated with Psychiatric Illness and Treatment

    So it's agreed then, we need hotter girlfriends?
  5. JohnTaylorHK

    About my concern with my son eating habits

    I have 2 sons (20 and 18 yo) and a daughter (8 yo). My older son is autistic, but incredibly smart with a near-photographic memory, graduating with First Honors from Senior High School. He often skips breakfast only to replace it later with candy bars and chips, despite my appeals. He does...
  6. JohnTaylorHK

    TRT and penile blood flow

    @Whitey26 I think you are spot on with this question, but I would expand it to also ask about JohnJohn's general health, diet and level of physical fitness, apparent disorders such as diabetes etc. So called "Age Related" symptoms are usually the result of lack of mobility, and that is a major...
  7. JohnTaylorHK

    TRT and itchy scalp and upper body ...Nitric oxide?

    he he yeah. US$1.00 here, US$4.00+ on Amazon plus shipping I guess. I was quite amazed to see it on Amazon, Nelson, here is the link for the hard of searching...
  8. JohnTaylorHK

    TRT and itchy scalp and upper body ...Nitric oxide?

    Since I started my health journey, I developed itchy scalp for which no amount or frequency of washing my hair with various products did anything. I used some Papaya-based soap once, and the itching stopped. Here in Manila, there is a brand called "Likas" which seems to be most effective. Worth...
  9. JohnTaylorHK

    4 Weeks In TRT: Sleep Quality Decline

    Hi HYD21, exogenous T can increase your metabolism. If you're eating more, are you eating more protein? If so this can be a cause of dehydration. You didn't mention your age. I have found these types of symptoms have increased as I have aged, from about 50 yo to present day (66). Just my $0.02...
  10. JohnTaylorHK

    Is Meat Good for You After All?

    There is an apparent link between the nitrates used in processing meat (preservatives?) and colon cancer. It has also been suggested that red meat forms nitrosos (sic) that have a similar effect. One metastudy, showing how inadequate the science thus far is, can be found here. Namaste.
  11. JohnTaylorHK


    Maximum musculature (at 5% body fat) is roughly ((height in metres) -1)*100kg. There is a more exact formula which usually gives a reasonably close result. The more body fat you carry (I guess within reason) the more muscle mass you can carry. This is why a lot of very big men are very strong...
  12. JohnTaylorHK

    Cypionate to Sustanon Recommendations

    I have always believed that injections should follow the half-life of whatever you are using. The other variable is the amount. This may depend on your test results. Personally I use the amount that makes me feel good and perform well. This takes months of experimentation. Start low. Inject at...
  13. JohnTaylorHK

    Calories for cutting weight?

    The usual recommendation is 500 lower than your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. The difficulty comes in how you calculate TDEE. There are many websites that will do this for you. I use the one that comes with the Others, such as TDEE Calculator: Learn Your Total Daily Energy...
  14. JohnTaylorHK

    Thyroid, Adrenal Fatigue, DHEA? Advice Please!

    Hi Dell500, what T3 meds did you take, dosage etc?
  15. JohnTaylorHK

    Testosterone blood levels with respect to the injection dose

    Hi Systemlord, what would you consider your acceptable upper level? Do you think that 3 1/2 weeks is long enough to reach stable levels?