Recent content by Joey786

  1. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    My sex drive and overall sexual enjoyment was higher with prolactin at 85ng/ml compared to 9ng/ml. One improvement ive noticed since starting caber is my glucose tolerance has increased a lot.
  2. J

    cabergoline dosage?

    It is? I thought that was the standard starting dose. I’m on .25mg twice per week. My prolactin is 9ng/ml (2-18ng/ml). I have a prolactinoma. Before caber prolactin was 85ng/ml.
  3. J

    Trembo and Prolactin

    Dont take tren its not worth it. Be healthy, stick to trt.
  4. J

    cabergoline dosage?

    Ive been on .25 mg caber twice per week for the last three months. Ive noticed decrease in sex drive and it takes longer to ejaculate
  5. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    Hi goolapsh, so I had an mri because I have tingling sensations in my feet and hands. I also have migraines with aura. These symptoms prompted my gp to order the the mri to check for demyelinating disease. I recently had another mri of my spine to check for injury to my spinal cord. Thank fully...
  6. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    My endo prescribed .25mg cabergoline twice per week. I dont need anymore evidence. I trusted my endos recommendation to wait til September to see what happens. He knows more about the subject than I do. I’m really starting to feel bad so I told him how I felt and he agreed to let me start...
  7. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    I’ve read that high doses of b6 for long periods of time could cause nerve damage?
  8. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    I did some blood work this Saturday. I just got the results. My total testosterone is 35ng/dL (265-916ng/dL) and my prolactin is 45ng/ml (4-15.2ng/ml). So I’m feeling bad right now. My prolactin dropped by almost 40% since stopping trt. I just told my endo I want to start cabergoline but he...
  9. J

    Big Pharma vs Compounded T Comparison

    I’ve had the same experience. Compounded test has resulted in lower test levels when compared to pharmaceutical brands. I dont use compounded anymore.
  10. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    So my last shot of test was June 1st. I was doing 40 mg every Monday and Thursday. My levels are probably low right now.
  11. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    Thanks for posting that link Nelson. Very informative.
  12. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    Nelson have you ever heard of trt increasing prolactin? My last prolactin result was 85ng/ml range 2-18ng/ml. My endo is not convinced the elevated prolactin is from the mass on my pituitary. He thinks trt could be causing my high prolactin levels.
  13. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    Thanks bixt for the b6 advice
  14. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    Published: 16 October 2003 Hyperprolactinemia and sexual function in men: a short review J Buvat International Journal of Impotence Research...
  15. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    My test level before trt was 500ng/dl. Staying on trt is probably the right choice but I do feel some guilt about messing around with my hormones in the first place. Stopping trt wont be easy but maybe my body will bounce back. The only way to know is try. I will mention that over the last month...