Recent content by JimBob

  1. J

    Heart palpitations at night

    This happened to me when I was under stress that I did not even recognize. Took 3 beers to get to sleep, but I'd wake up 3 hours later with anxiety. Also started taking lorazepam, but abandoned that when I learned more about it. So for me, learning to manage my stress was the answer. Stress...
  2. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    Skip to 1:14 where someone asks Rouzier about problems with elevated DHT. Dr. Saya mentioned a connection between elevated DHT and BPH in that thread on managing estradiol.
  3. J

    TRT (Testosterone Replacement) and COVID-19 Vaccine

    Can you provide data showing testosterone lowering the immune system? Thanks.
  4. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    As an aside, I just noticed in his email signature the letters "MD" after his name. May I refer to him as Dr now? lol
  5. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    I will try and fit in a single question for you, but I won't be asking him to watch a video. I only have 30-mins, and he tends to give long, detailed answers. So, what would be your question?
  6. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    What MD do you suggest?
  7. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    When I speak to him, how shall I refer to you? readalot?
  8. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    Yeah, I know who he is. If a person earns a PhD, and goes by "Dr", then he's not thoughtful? A tad bizarre. Anyway, I am not consulting Howell to manage my hormones. I want an academic who is up on this stuff to give me his take on what we've been discussing here. I'm confident he'll be up...
  9. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    I remember this mega-thread. I'll revisit it. More reason I think to consult Dr. Howell.
  10. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    I didn't know they offered free consults. With all the info you just gave, I could have probably done without the consult with Dr. Howell. Oh well, it's already paid for... I did send an email to Dr. Rouzier expressing my concern about starting out on 400mg daily. His response was...
  11. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    To be clear, I did not burn my bridges with the nurse. I simply requested more time to research HRT.
  12. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    RobRoy, Thanks for all the info. Exactly what I was hoping for. readalot has posted a lot of info, too, for which I am grateful. Now, I have scheduled a 30-minute consultation with Dr. Scott Howell next week. He will have all the lab info, email info from the nurse,etc. I think I've...
  13. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    I already dumped her. Now, I would really like to know if Rouzier or Nichols ever prescribe similar dosing. Love to hear directly from their patients.
  14. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    I emailed the nurse about the massive dose she was prescribing. This was her response: " Actually that is not a massive amount of testosterone to optimize levels. I actually start low and go up when we do the 6 week follow up. But if you would feel more comfortable even starting lower you can...
  15. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    Well, I emailed the nurse who wrote the prescription. She stated that I would be applying 200mg in the morning, 200mg at night. 400mg, total for the day. Her words exactly. I'm stunned. Thanks, Mark.