Recent content by Jerry Brainum

  1. J

    DHT Gel Shuts Down LH, FSH, Estradiol and T But Sustained Sexual Function

    I think this study is significant in that it showed DHT administration DECREASED libido.This underscores what I've written many times about so-called "finesteride syndrome",that is it isn't as related to Lowered DHT as much as Beleived.Thousands of men have used finesteride with no significant...
  2. J

    Is long term HCG use detrimental?

    HCG long term My feeling is that you can stay on low-dose (no more than 500 iU a week) HCG indefinitely. I never found, nor heard of any evidence that using this dose range causes any type of problem. However, I have seen studies (I cannot supply specific names and journals) noting that...
  3. J

    Dr Rand McClain in Los Angeles

    I can verify that Dr. Rand McClain is knowledgeable, as well as being one of the nicest guys you can ever meet. He takes his time with patients, and doesn't "cop an attitude" as do many other physicians I've dealt with over the years. In fact, Rand is my personal physician and has been for...
  4. J

    New video about insulin

    Thank you Thank you, I appreciate your comment. I will be releasing part two of my discussion about insulin, which will focus on insulin as an ergogenic aid and performance enhancer, next week. Jerry Brainum
  5. J

    New video about insulin
  6. J

    Now on TRT plus HCG to preserve fertility

    That would only be true if Arnold stayed on steroids consistently, which he did not.
  7. J

    Now on TRT plus HCG to preserve fertility

    Arnold cycled his steroids, getting off them months at a time, and also used a conservative program. So there was no need for HCG in his case.
  8. J

    Resistance training restores muscle sex steroid hormone steroidogenesis in older men

    FASEB Journal [h=2]Abstract[/b] Skeletal muscle can synthesize testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) via steroidogenic enzymes in vitro, but hormone levels and steroidogenic enzyme expression...
  9. J

    New 5-alpha reductase enzyme found in testes

    Issue The Prostate Volume 74, Issue 3, pages 235–249, February 2014 Original Article 5α-reductase type 3 enzyme in benign and malignant prostate Abstract BACKGROUND Currently available 5α-reductase inhibitors are not completely effective for treatment of benign...
  10. J

    Abdominal work ?

    The former Soviet sports program scientists considered direct abdominal training a waste of time, since they noted that the abdominal and oblique muscles functioned to stabilize the torso, and therefore were heavily involved in most lifting movements. The late Casey Viator, the youngest man ever...
  11. J

    Interesting mouse study

    General Endocrinology The Effects of Testosterone Deprivation and Supplementation on Proteasomal and Autophagy Activity in the Skeletal Muscle of the Male Mouse: Differential Effects on High-Androgen Responder and Low-Androgen Responder Muscle Groups...
  12. J

    Sub Optimal Testosterone Study from VA Hospital Exposes Veterans to Higher Risks

    If this is the case, then the increased CVD effects noted in the study once again prove that it's LOW testosterone that is the problem with CVD onset, rather than the converse.
  13. J

    My father and I are concerned about testosterone and hair loss

    Rogaine only works if used at the start of the balding process. If you wait too long, it does absolutely nothing.
  14. J

    Sub Optimal Testosterone Study from VA Hospital Exposes Veterans to Higher Risks

    The results of this study at first seem troubling, because they seemed to have taken into account variables, such as CVD risk factors that may have confounded the results of the study. On the other hand, if you look at the suspected causes of how testosterone therapy may cause CVD, you get a...
  15. J

    Why testosterone boosts hematocrit Testosterone Induces Erythrocytosis via Increased Erythropoietin and Suppressed Hepcidin: Evidence for a New Erythropoietin/Hemoglobin Set Point Eric Bachman...