Recent content by jayt

  1. J

    Trimix ooops!

    good to know, but a 90 minute boner sounds like an awesome opportunity not to be ignored.
  2. J

    Test ok but free T is low

    T is important for libido but there are other supplements. I do not attribute great sex to T, T is more for energy, muscle retention and youthfulness. If you need a real boost, call a urologist and get a RX for Trimix, a simple painless shot in the penis will provide a hard stiff member for...
  3. J

    Hi all, a brief introduction, curious opinions please

    if you have decent health insurance, using it for TRT will save you money. I will share my experience. I go to my urologist, office visit a $20 copay. all blood tests covered at no cost. He prescribes my TRT, I use Cyponate, injections, 1.0 ml a week. My health insurance covers T at 0...
  4. J

    Topical T gel to increase penis size

    I would not use T to increase size, there are other alternatives--pumping, tens machine therapy (used this and increased girth by almost 1 inch), wave therapy. You can get a tens machine on Amazon for $20 and use it in 15 min cycles 2 time a day. Increasing length is a stretching thing, I have...
  5. J

    First time Trimix ER visit

    so I use Trimix, 30 units and am pleased. Try it again and when you are done, take a benedril tablet, it will bring your erection down quickly. After a few months you won't need the benedril, your erection will soften after orgasim. The benefits of trimix far exceed expectations as you have...
  6. J

    Hi all, a brief introduction, curious opinions please

    I would suggest you go to a Urologist. I am 74, have been on TRT for 15 years all monitored by my urologist. My T is around 1050. I have great sex, and workout 6 days a week and continue to maintain and even build muscle mass. Get on TRT and add Black Maca, Ashwanga, Red Ginseng and Zinc to...
  7. J

    No feeling during ejaculation

    So I had similar experience. I would be rock hard, maintain for great sex, she enjoyed and would cum more than once... I would pull and while felt awesome no juice... First I increased Zinc...50 mg per day and began the daily dose of Cialis 5mg per day. It definately improved but loads were...
  8. J

    Drastic increase in libido - currently multi-orgasmic to an extreme - any experience with this?

    hey, no I donate blood to maintain my hemoglobin levels. If you supplement T, your blood will thicken and donating keeps that in tact. Every man should donate blood, it is great for your body, like what menstration does for a woman. I agree about your "gas station weed", I source mine on line...
  9. J

    Drastic increase in libido - currently multi-orgasmic to an extreme - any experience with this?

    Awesome dude. I do 100 ml T every 7 days and some supplements daily, ashwanga, horny goat weed, tribulous, and Korean Ginseng. My blood work shows I am maintaining T at 1000 to 1100. Feel great, donate blood every 20 days to maintain hemiglobin levels. I attribute this to absolutely support...
  10. J

    Trt options in men with BPH

    Hey Steve; I feel your issue, my Prostrate is 40, my doctor has been monitoring it for 10 years, put me on Alfufosin (spelling ?) and was on it for the 10 years. Still had to urinate very often and my stream was a dribble. My Urologist retired and was replaced with a young buck who said he...
  11. J

    Where to get Testosterone prescriptions?

    12 years ago I went to Boston Medical Group, they did blood tests and prescribed T and Viagra. Charged me $300. I then decided to go to a Urologist on my med plan. They did the same thing, blood tests and prescribed me T and Viagra. The office visit cost me $20 copay and both the T and Viagra...
  12. J

    TRT - whats normal

    3 or 4 times per week, depending upon the Lady's wants. I follow the old rule, she comes twice before I bust and trimix guarantees performance. Trimix is far superior to ANY oral ED medication, without side effects.
  13. J

    TRT - whats normal

    I would bet your ED is not related, just aging and desire. Get ED meds and for a real erection try TRIMIX. (go to youtube and search trimix, it will show how to use it and what it does) I have been on TRT for 12 years and using TRIMIX for the same time. Awesome, I am 74 and perform better...
  14. J

    So Hard to Finish. Need suggestions

    I feel your pain, the same thing happened to me. I take T and supplements and with trimix I am rock hard. It was taking, and I am not exagerating, 1 hour plus of hard loving and I still wouldn't pop. I went to my Urologist, as there is nothing worse than blue balls after your lady cums a...