I inject 140mg in total split into EOD(40mg per dose). That puts my total t between 1300 and 1450 provided I also use 750 ui HCG.
I plan to change to E3D but now I have a lot of work and dont want to put my body through the stress of a protocol change.
Why dont you check the clinic Derek from moreplatesmoredates on youtube is affiliating? Ive heard good things for it from its customers. He is from Canada as well. I think its called Marek Health or somsthing like that.
I havent looked into Canada to be honest, Ive heard recommendations that I...
My free t was also 8-9ng/dl when I started TRT. I know a bunch of men likeme who started with similar values and benefit a lot from raising it to the 25-35 range and the total t to 1200-1300.
So why you dont contact a competent clinic that does HRT? You live in USA or Canada, right? A lot of...
Some measurement methods produce units that are not convertible to ng/dl. For example the direct assay method. If you dont have the latest most accurate free t measuring like in my case, the calculated free t from total t, shbg and albumin will be good enough. The problem is you dont have shbg...
The testing methods of free on most places are very innacurate.
Having "normal" values of free or total t doesnt mean you wont respond positive to treatment, there are a lot of such examples.
Total t of 419 is pretty low in what Ive seen in most folks, we dont know your SHBG and we have some...
CRP is important lf course and thats why I asked initially for SHBG and body fat level as a beginning. People with metabolic syndrom and obesity often have elevated CRP which seems is not your case. There are many factors that can be attributed to CRP. Its either some systemic inflation or...
I found that IM with 1/2 inch length produced for me similar total t values as sub-q. I was around 28 percent bkdy fat at the moment. So its a bit tricky with the BF how deep the needle goes. Now Im leaner, but I dont wanna try things and mess around.
For me the perfect size needle for IM is...
What is the range for FT3? There is no "not too bad there". Its like testosterone - if the value is not at the top of the range and specific symptoms are present optimization should be considered
CRP can be from many things. As a start what is your body composition and forget me that I dont...
With people who feel shitty of HCG usually it is not as simple as high e2.
I have discussed this with my provider why some folks feel terrible on any amount of HCG and why some like me need some otherwise feel terrible. For me it brings positives and negatives and thays why I need very specific...
If I state ny opinion we will go in another debate with @Cataceous but anyway.
I would start IM, 27g 3/4 needles ventroglutr
e and delts. Im not a fan of sub q injections in my experience they dont work well for everyone. However they are easier, less painful and if you optimise yourself on IM...
I said I had stable levels which is a fact
But also I said:
"for example IF after 6-8 weeks feeling different day to.day in relation the injection schedule"
I think its very individual for everyone what blood stability will maintain on twice per week and how will feel. I know some people need...
With your fertility situation Im not sure, but usually starting HCG together with test in the general case is a mistake.
You dont know if you feel fucked up which of the two affects in what way. Usually starting any hormone should be done in isolation.
Bear in mind many men cannot handle...
Ive sampled myself enough times and again instead of focusing on dry research pay attention to the most important words I mentioned - FEELING stable, not having stable blood levels.
I dont see need to inject more often if you feel stable no matter the fuck what numbers are written on a piece of...
Many men experience very stable levels on twice per week injections, me included on enanthate when it is supposed to have 1-2 days shorter half life of cyp. So its best to start twice per week and go more often only if needed - for example IF after 6-8 weeks feeling different day to.day in...