Recent content by IronKnight

  1. I

    Best consumer device for structural penis improvement for harder erections?

    Forgot to mention other concerns from this other website: For example, the only study they use as data is also by the Companies consultant Professor as a co-author:
  2. I

    Best consumer device for structural penis improvement for harder erections?

    I am looking for the wisdom of people in this forum for the current most proven solutions to structurally improve the penis for harder erections, without meds, without trimix injections, and without rings. Basically some device that makes the penis improve as the gym does for training muscles...
  3. I

    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    I read something about Boron lowering SHBG, but I am not buying it anymore, just "finishing it off" (I still have a couple of bottles) as I want to simplify my protocol. You can lower SHBG with occassional carb refeeds around training anyway. (SHBG goes up on keto, fasting, etc. but down with...
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    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    Both are in my protocol: Daily before bed: 900mg Magnesium Citrate Glass fed organic Beef Heart powder (1Tbsp in my daily shake) contains a lot of CoQ10 (note I am above the CoQ10 max of the range in my labs), plus a lot of other nutrients and zoo-chemicals.
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    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    I have not checked my blood pressure in a while, but the day I was at the cardiologist he said it was 140, so it's likely ~<=130 in normal circumstances. I don't measure my blood pressure anymore because it was taking too long to do this every day, but I learned a lot while I was doing it...
  6. I

    Possible to be healthy @ 250mg/week? What blood markers do you want to see?

    Sorry for the huge delay updating this thread. My EF is now perfect: EF - 63.8% 2024-03-19 This is using the protocol, where I accepted readalot's challenge and I've been at > 250mg / week for > 1 year. TOT Protocol: Testosterone Enanthate @ ~250mg / week, injecting ~80-90mg x 3 / week TTS [...
  7. I

    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    Sorry for the huge delay updating this thread. My EF is now perfect: EF - 63.8% 2024-03-19 This is using the protocol, where I accepted readalot's challenge and I've been at > 250mg / week for > 1 year. TOT Protocol: Testosterone Enanthate @ ~250mg / week, injecting ~80-90mg x 3 / week TTS [...
  8. I

    Are AST and ALT completely useless for weight trainers?

    Should people weight training completely ignore AST and ALT, and simply look at the other liver markers instead? ALT & AST just seem unreliable for people doing weight training:
  9. I

    Cool hack to x10 your Ferritin in 5-7 days :)

    I'm not sure why nobody talks about this, and I could only find a study replicating these results in pigs :) Anyway, a 5-7 day fast will result in a lasting increase in Ferritin due to the recycled iron in the body, no supplements, no blood donation madness, nothing, just don't eat for a week...
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    Possible to be healthy @ 250mg/week? What blood markers do you want to see?

    Good thinking, I tested it recently by accident: 2023-02-27: Hepatitis B Antigen = Negative Hepatitis C = Unreactive Started a new thread re AST & ALT being potentially BS markers, to avoid derailing this thread too much :)...
  11. I

    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    I agree with the others, my understanding is: 1) It must be refrigerated 2) If unopened and refrigerated: The expiry date = whatever the box says 3) Once opened and refrigerated: safe/effective until 60 days, you may be able to push it until 90, but that's about the max. If you travel anywhere...
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    Possible to be healthy @ 250mg/week? What blood markers do you want to see?

    Thank you for all the replies and ideas. So, I don't have all the results yet and I am not at my target body fat level, but I am close :) I was worried my E2 might be crashing due to the 2mg of Anastrozol / week (TT), but somehow it is still at a healthy 40, so that's OK. The % body fat is a...
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    Possible to be healthy @ 250mg/week? What blood markers do you want to see?

    This is an open challenge to explore the possibility of walking the enhanced boundaries, while keeping absolutely all possible negative TOT side effects in check, especially anything related to health. The main question I am trying to answer via blood work, BP measurements, WIP lifestyle...
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    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    Interesting! Ovitrelle just changed the pen format, so maybe I can do what you say! I was so pissed they changed it, as the "insulin syringe way" was what I did for 5 years and the new pens are way more cumbersome than the old ones to use. So, I'll check when I get the next batch as "around...
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    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    In case it helps anybody: For European folks working with ampules and Ovitrelle, the most convenient way to inject HCG is to do what I have done for 5 years with excellent results, simply combine the HCG shot into the T shot (credit to Nelson for the original idea when I started TRT) by adding...