Recent content by HR_Watson

  1. H

    DIM + Calcium D-Glucarate VS AI

    I’m not sure which it was, I suspect the DIM. My experience with it was so bad, I’ve never tried either again. I’m just taking a very low dose of an AI instead, plus watching my diet and exercise.
  2. H

    Serum Estrone (E1) vs Estradiol (E2)

    I just had some labs done - my Seum Estrone came back high at 126! The range is 15-65. Meanwhile, my Estradiol is also high at 44.2 (range is 7-42). What the heck is the difference between Estrone and Estradiol? I'm on hCG mono - I had crashed my E by taking Letro, so I've cut back on that to...
  3. H

    Pregnancy related hormonal dips

    Cataceous, you might very well be right, and the pregnancy thing might be a coincidence or just making an existing issue worse - although for the record, all the articles I read on the subject documented men's T levels throughout pregnancy, up through the postpartum stages, and most showed a...
  4. H

    What's the lowest recommended dose of T to add to HCG mono?

    I'm curious - can you tell me more about your protocol Mr S? You mentioned that you're currently taking 100 of T and 1500 (500x3) of hCG? No AI? What are your T and E levels, if you don't mind sharing? And no indications of testicular shutdown on that protocol? You mentioned you experienced...
  5. H

    What's the lowest recommended dose of T to add to HCG mono?

    Yes, that’s my understanding of it - that things like Clomid or hCG only suppress at the pituitary level, so in theory, testicular function remains. That’s been my case thus far, which is why I’m not especially anxious to add T to the mix, except that I’m really starting to feel crappy. My MD...
  6. H

    Pregnancy related hormonal dips

    I appreciate your feedback, for sure, and there’s a lot we can parse here. But like I said, for the sake of argument, let’s assume it’s pregnancy related. My question still stands to fellow members of the site: have other men on TRT experienced any pregnancy related issues with their T...
  7. H

    Pregnancy related hormonal dips

    I had crashed my E using an AI, and it's slowly coming back, it's currently at 15. My TSH is slightly higher than I'd like at 2.2. This is unusual - I'm hypothyroid and had increased recently increased my dosage. I feel best between 1 and 2. @Cataceous - There's a ton of literature to...
  8. H

    Pregnancy related hormonal dips

    So I've been on hCG +AI therapy for about a year and a half now, and for the most part, have been feeling great. My wife is about 37 weeks pregnant, and over the course of the pregnancy, I've been feeling worse and worse - feeling pretty much like I did pre-treatment - brain fog, low libido...
  9. H

    What's the lowest recommended dose of T to add to HCG mono?

    So just did a full panel, and indeed my T levels have dropped about a third from where they normally are from roughly 950/1000 to 740. Unfortunately, this jives with all the literature I've read on expecting fathers - in theory, T levels drop a full third, which is exactly where I am. I don't...
  10. H

    What's the lowest recommended dose of T to add to HCG mono?

    First, for some reason, I stopped receiving notices when people respond to my thread, so I didn't see this until today. This is super helpful, thank you! One question: Vince suggests that any addition of T will induce shutdown. Isn't the point of taking hCG with T to avoid a shutdown? My MD...
  11. H

    What's the lowest recommended dose of T to add to HCG mono?

    Like the thread title says - I'm curious to know what the lowest possible dose of T I could add to HCG mono without inducing primary testicular shutdown? I'm secondary and have been on HCG + AI for a year and a half now with great results, but unfortunately, I've crashed my E. I'm injecting...
  12. H

    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Personally, for what it's worth, I agree with this. If you're secondary, I think there's a lot of benefits in trying to boost your T levels through your body's own production. I'm a strong responder to Clomid and hCG, and I don't want to induce primary, so for now, I'm very happy trying hCG...
  13. H

    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Hey man, I owe you a PM, I'll get to it this week, promise ;) So the Nolva completely cured the gyno, but the sides were awful - depression, anxiety, extreme lethargy and fatigue, muscle weakness. The only positive is that I dropped an amazing amount of weight, at least 6-7 lbs and around 3-4%...
  14. H

    Advice for switching/tapering off from Tamoxifen to Letro while on hCG

    Hi - the first post has full details w/ a link to my experiences with Tamoxifen.
  15. H

    Advice for switching/tapering off from Tamoxifen to Letro while on hCG

    This makes a lot of sense. Right now I'm doing 10mg tamoxifen daily, w/ .25mg of Anastrozole on shot day. Feeling better physically, energy-wise, emotionally - and no gyno. I'm gonna keep tapering down on the tamoxifen, maybe switch over to Letro, we'll see. I'm tolerating the low dose of...